
ɡǎn lǎn qiú yùn dònɡ
  • rugger;Rugby
  1. 一些发言者认为拳击的危险性比橄榄球运动小。

    Some speakers argued that boxing was less dangerous than rugby .

  2. 橄榄球运动在“非国大”受到抨击,因为它是南非体育的软肋。

    The ANC are attacking rugby because it is the soft underbelly of South African sport

  3. 以第一次开展橄榄球运动的拉格比学校命名。

    Named after Rugby school , where the game was first played .

  4. AOL正在使用Solr增强它的频道功能:音乐、橄榄球运动、食谱、参考中心、房地产和汽车都使用这项技术。

    AOL is using Solr to power it 's channels : Music , NFL Sports , AOL Recipes , Reference Center , Real Estate and Autos being several examples .

  5. 这位英俊帅哥在EcclesRFC俱乐部进行投球,为当地学校的孩子们上训练课,示范如何进行橄榄球运动。

    The handsome hunk took to the pitch at Eccles RFC as a teacher for the training session of touch rugby with school children from the area .

  6. 今年RFU将投入8000万英镑资助基层橄榄球运动,项目包括为格罗斯特郡(Gloucestershire)的一个俱乐部修建新的会所,不久前该俱乐部的更衣室还设在一个马棚里,地板上有麦秆。

    The RFU will spend £ 80m this year on grassroots rugby , on projects such as a new clubhouse for a club in Gloucestershire whose changing facilities not so long ago were a horse box with straw on the floor .

  7. 他与大多数美国人一样,喜欢橄榄球运动。

    In common with most American people , he enjoys football .

  8. 水下橄榄球运动需要良好的身体素质和强健的肺。

    Underwater sport rugby needs good physical quality and strong lung .

  9. “超级碗”橄榄球运动场,都是由薯片神马的零食做成的哦。

    Super Bowl football stadium made entirely out of snack food .

  10. 大学生橄榄球运动损伤因素调查

    Survey on the causes of sports injuries in college rugby players

  11. 这项运动融合游泳,篮球和橄榄球运动的诸多技巧。

    This game involves many techniques of swimming , basketball and rugby .

  12. 美式橄榄球运动中使用的长方形的充气球。

    The inflated oblong ball used in playing American football .

  13. 橄榄球运动中脑部受伤越来越让人担心。

    Brain injury is a growing concern in football .

  14. 进行橄榄球运动的场地。

    The playing field on which football is played .

  15. 在美式橄榄球运动中,你得设法把你的对手弄倒。

    In American football , you have to try to bring down your opponent .

  16. 毕竟对于自行车和橄榄球运动来讲,这不大现实。

    This isn 't something that 's practical for bike riding or playing football .

  17. 对部队开展橄榄球运动的思考

    Thought on Rugby Football Training in Units

  18. 秋天,美国的橄榄球运动是大、学校里最流行的体育运动。

    American football is the most popular sport in all schools and colleges in the fall .

  19. 中国橄榄球运动现状分析

    Present Status of Chinese Rugby Sports

  20. 这个位于法国西南部的橄榄球运动的心脏地区,地势崎岖,天气变化无常。

    In the rugby heartland of southwest France , the terrain is rugged and the weather fickle .

  21. 在橄榄球运动中,四分卫是个很重要的位置,主要是给其他队员提供指令。

    In the sport of football , quarterback is an important player who gives instructions to other players .

  22. 由于摔断了鼻梁,曾经在大学担任进攻内锋的尼古拉斯埃普利告别橄榄球运动,转而在学术界开始了自己的职业生涯。

    A broken nose led this former college offensive lineman to a career in academia rather than football .

  23. 在橄榄球运动中将一名带球的对方球员擒住并将其摔倒在地的行为。

    Seize and throw down an opponent player , who usually carries the ball , in American football .

  24. 近年来,在欧美国家风行一种水下橄榄球运动,并经常举行国际性的比赛。

    In recent years , in American and Europe countries popular a kind of underwater football , and often hold international competition .

  25. 在足球,曲棍球或橄榄球运动中,头部的最前端常常会受到冲击力的打击。

    In football , soccer , hockey or rugby , the top-front of the head usually receives the brunt of the blow .

  26. 作为支持橄榄球运动的回报,阿里体育的在线平台将获得橄榄球比赛独家转播权。

    In exchange for its support of the sport , Alisports will be given exclusive rugby broadcast rights for its internet platform .

  27. 结果:大学生橄榄球运动以肩部受伤最为常见,占各部位损伤的11.3%;

    RESULTS : It so frequently occurred that there were 11.3 % of all wounded regions to be the wound of shoulder of rugby players ;

  28. 其相对较为温和,旨在让更多的人参与橄榄球运动,体验橄榄球运动带给人们的激情与快乐。

    The relatively mild sport , which is designed to let more people participate in the game , and that can brings us passion and happiness .

  29. 在1990年,他在学校橄榄球运动中腰部受伤瘫痪,此后,他去过全球158个国家的200多个机场。

    He says he has been to more than 200 airports in 158 countries since he was paralysed from the waist down in a school rugby accident in 1990 .

  30. 它与橄榄球运动的联系可以追溯到19世纪末,新西兰土著球队队在英国各地进行非正式比赛期间表演了这种舞蹈。

    Its connection with the game of rugby goes back to the late 19th century , when the New Zealand Native Team performed one on an unofficial tour of Britain .