
  • 网络Secondary metabolite
  1. JA还能单独或与其他激素相互作用调节与植物防卫反应相关的次生代谢物质芥子油苷的生物合成,从而影响植物的防卫反应。

    JA also exerts indirect role in plant defense response independently or with other phytohormones by regulating the biosynthesis of secondary metabolite & glucosinolate , which is closely related to plant defense response .

  2. 结果说明,分月扇舟蛾对次生代谢物质的反应更为敏感,抗性无性系对分月扇舟蛾幼虫体内SOD和CAT酶活性有明显的激活作用。

    The results suggest that C.anastomosis are more sensitive to secondary metabolites and the clones of P.deltoides have apparently active effects on activities of SOD and CAT in C.anastomosis larvae .

  3. 植物体内所含的蛋白质、单宁、酚类、多糖及色素等次生代谢物质影响taqDNA聚合酶的活性,是导致PCR扩增反应失败的主要因素。

    High content of protein , phenol , tannin , pigment and polysaccharide in plant tissues usually affect the activity of Taq DNA polymerase and Lead to failure of PCR reaction .

  4. GSTs活性能够被各种亲电子化合物如药剂、杀虫剂、植物次生代谢物质等所诱导。

    And the Gsts Activity Can Be Induced by Chemicals , Insecticides , Secondary Metabolisms of Plant , and So on .

  5. 芦荟次生代谢物质离体培养技术的研究

    Studies on Techniques for Secondary Metabolites Culture in Vitro of Aloe

  6. 核桃青皮中次生代谢物质的生物活性研究Ⅰ杀虫活性

    A Study on the Bioactivity of Secondary Metabolites from Walnut Green Gull

  7. 酚类物质是果树体内的一种次生代谢物质,它有着重要的生理功能。

    Phenols are secondary metabolic substance . They have important physiological functions .

  8. 植物多酚是植物体内最重要的次生代谢物质。

    Polyphenols are the important secondary metabolites of plants .

  9. 花蜜中次生代谢物质及其对传粉的影响

    Secondary Metabolites in Nectar and Their Effects on Pollination

  10. 两种虫生真菌的次生代谢物质对害虫的毒力

    The virulence of secondary metabolites of two Entomogenous fungal species against some insect pests

  11. 花蜜中广泛地存在一些与植物抗虫相关的次生代谢物质,并阻止了一些访花者的取食。

    Secondary metabolites associated with plant defence to herbivores ubiquitously present in flora nectar .

  12. 酚类物质是植物体内重要的次生代谢物质,与果蔬品质密切相关。

    Phenolic compounds , related to quality of fruits and vegetables , are important secondary metabolites in plant .

  13. 天然色酮化合物是一类具有广泛生理活性的植物次生代谢物质,普遍存在于自然界中,是天然产物研究的一个重要方向。

    The museum of the plant Plant Transpiration The chromone is a kind of secondary metabolic plant which has widely bioactivity .

  14. 植物精油是一类存在于植物不同组织中的重要次生代谢物质,为易挥发的具有强烈香味的油状液体。

    Plant essential oils , volatile and highly fragrant liquids , are important secondary metabolites present in different tissues of the plant .

  15. 采用高效液相色谱法,对8个杨树树种枝条木质部次生代谢物质种类和含量进行了分析。

    With the method of high-pressured liquid chromatography , the content of secondary metabolites in branch xylem of & poplar tree species was analysed .

  16. 但是,相对于人类而言,大多数植物的次生代谢物质具有治疗疾病的功效,也是药理产物和化学产品的主要来源。

    However , relative to human , major plant secondary metabolism substances have efficacy in cure disease as main source of pharmacology and chemical products .

  17. 目前已知的防御化合物主要包括植物次生代谢物质、昆虫消化酶(蛋白)抑制剂、蛋白酶、凝集素、氨基酸脱氨酶和氧化酶。

    Major known defense chemicals include plant secondary metabolites , protein inhibitors of insect digestive enzymes , proteases , lectins , amino acid deaminases and oxidases .

  18. 通过对不同杨树木质部和韧皮部的单宁及酚类物质的种类及含量的测定,分析了两类主要次生代谢物质的差异与天牛危害之间的关系。

    Through the measure of tannin and phenol constituents of 6 poplars , the relation between the resistance of poplars and contents and components of them was studied .

  19. 植物多酚是一类广泛存在于蔬菜、水果等植物体内的次生代谢物质,其独特的分子结构使其具有很强的抗氧化生物活性。

    Polyphenol is one of the secondary metabolites widely found in vegetables , fruits and other plants . The unique molecular structure of plant polyphenol exhibits strong antioxidant activity .

  20. 小麦化感作用是利用小麦活体或残体向环境中释放次生代谢物质对自身或其他生物产生作用,它克服了除草剂和杀菌剂等引起的环境污染问题,具有抑制杂草控制病害的潜力。

    Wheat possesses allelopathic potential for weed suppression and disease control through the release of secondary metabolites from its living plants or residues , which could avoid the environment pollution brought by herbicides and germicides .

  21. 植物体内某些酶的活性、次生代谢物质的含量以及DON毒素的含量与抗赤霉病性有密切联系,可作为筛选抗病品种的生理生化指标。

    Scab resistance correlated closely with activities of enzymes and contents of secondary metabolites as well as DON toxin which can be used as the physiological and biochemical indices in screening varieties resistant to scab .

  22. 植物根培养技术具有不使用外源激素、遗传稳定、产量高等特点,适合于次生代谢物质来自于植物根部的植物的组织培养。

    Considering the advantages of hair roots culture , such as hormone-free , genetic stability , high productivity , it is suited for the plant tissue culture , which secondary metabolites mostly come from the root of plants .

  23. 回顾了苔藓植物的药用研究历史,列出了其药用资源,叙述这一类群的各种次生代谢物质,阐述了有关药用苔藓植物的研究现状,讨论了其医药开发前景和可筛选的药物种类。

    To view the medicinal study history of bryophytes , to list the medicinal resources , to narrate multifarious secondary metabolites , to elaborate the international study current situation of medicinal bryophytes and to discuss their medicinal developing perspective and the medicinal materials filtrated possibly .

  24. 植物次生代谢与烟草香味物质

    Plant secondary metabolism and aroma substances of tobacco

  25. 植物体内一些并非其生长发育所必需的小分子有机化合物,为次生代谢产物,中草药中大部分活性成分皆为次生代谢物质。

    Most of active substances of Chinese traditional medicine are the secondary metabolites .

  26. MYB蛋白做为一类转录因子组成的一部分,对揭示次生代谢物转录调节机制有重要意义,推测MYB基因可能参与了茉莉酸甲酯调控的雷公藤悬浮细胞次生代谢物质的合成。

    MYB protein as a kind of transcription factors is critical to reveal the mechanism of secondary metabolites transcriptional regulation . Presumably , MYB protein gene may be involved in the regulation of MeJA to tripterygium wilfordii cells suspension culture secondary metabolites biosynthesis .