
  • 网络Special lighting
  1. 特殊照明和温度控制可有可无,因为“我存在”并不是一件实物。

    Special lighting and climate control are optional , since " I Am " is immaterial …

  2. 夜间,树顶由特殊照明及媒介照亮。

    Then at night , the canopies will come alive with special lighting and projected media .

  3. 只需按一下按钮,即使是色彩非常暗的样品,非常亮的特殊照明LED都能让您舒适地观察样品。

    With one touch and even on very dark samples , the very bright special illumination LED allows comfortable and true sample viewing .

  4. 在米兰工艺学校取得工业特殊照明技术设计学位。

    Degree in Industrial Design with specialization in Lighting Technique at Polytechnic of Milan .

  5. 高功率白色发光二极管已开始应用于便携式和特殊照明。

    High power white light LEDs are beginning to be utilized in portable and specialty applications .

  6. 这个特性使它可成为广告、装璜、室内装饰舞台艺术等特殊照明的光源。

    It can be used for advertisement , decoration , stage lighting and other particular light sources .

  7. 你可以很容易配件,你的喷泉,用石块,岩石,树木盆景及特殊照明。

    You can easily accessories your fountains with stones , rocks , Bonsai trees and special lighting .

  8. 一种特殊的照明方式&导光照明

    Light conduct Illumination & A Special Illumination Mode

  9. 布朗运动中的颗粒在特殊的照明条件下可以通过胶体的形式被观察到。

    Particles in Brownian motion can often be seen in colloids under special conditions of illumination .

  10. 天花灯等耐用性特殊环境照明,特别用于珠宝、金饰和时装照明。

    Days lanterns etc durability special environment lighting , particularly on jewellery , gold and fashion lighting .

  11. 特别适用于特殊效果照明,例如:艺术品,舞台,房屋的墙面,橱窗,舞厅和酒吧,私人住所。

    Excellently suited for special effects in : objects of art , stages , facades , shop windows , discotheques and bars , private areas .

  12. 本文从视亮度出发,着重研究了与视亮度有关的概念,同时还研究了山城夜景中建筑物以山体或建筑群体为背景的特殊夜景照明载体情况,提出了较为合理的夜景照明亮度等级划分方法。

    In this paper , based upon the brightness , some conceptions concerned of it are stressed , and a relatively reasonable division method of brightness grades is provided in lighting landscape where the buildings are revealed by the background of mountains and architectural complex .

  13. 设计了特殊的光源照明抑制真空涂敷室荧光的影响;

    We had designed a special illuminate system to hold down the effect of fluorescent light .

  14. 度盘被一个特殊设计的光学照明系统照亮,其刻线被光学放大系统成像于狭缝平面上。

    While the division lines of the circle are lighted by illumination system of special design they are imaged on a slit plane by a optical system .