
tè xiě
  • close-up;feature;article;feature article or story;feature article story
特写 [tè xiě]
  • (1) [feature;feature article story;article]∶报告文学的一种。借用电影艺术中特写镜头的表现手法反映社会生活的文学形式。其特点是抓住现实生活中人物或事件的某一富有特征性的部分,作集中的、精细的、突出的描绘和刻画,具有高度的真实性和强烈的艺术感染力

  • (2) [close-up]∶拍电影的一种手法,拍摄人或物的一部分,使特别放大

  • 特写镜头

特写[tè xiě]
  1. 王室成员总是编杂志特写的好材料。

    The royal family members are always good copy for a magazine feature .

  2. 尽管《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)一篇关于哈佛商学院性别不平等现象的特写报道造成了不那么轻微负面效应,但这所商学院的MBA学位依然是闯荡工商界的硬通货。

    Despite less-than-flattering publicity generated by a New York Times ' feature on gender inequality at Harvard , an MBA from the school remains the quintessential credential in business .

  3. 有关选举的电视广播主要播放发言者的特写镜头。

    The election broadcast consisted largely of talking heads .

  4. 在屏幕上看见她自己的脸部特写使她感到奇怪。

    It was strange to see her own face in close-up on the screen .

  5. 那组特写照片和附带的评论一目了然,毫无含糊之处。

    The close-up photography and commentary are clear and unambiguous .

  6. 这本书里有大量拍自太空的特写照片。

    The book abounds with close-up images from space .

  7. 摄影机向男主角移近,准备拍摄一组特写镜头。

    The camera moved in on the hero for a close-up sequence .

  8. 这个说法是“接受电视采访者”的“高声讲话”版。新闻广播员或评论员等talkinghead(电视银幕上发言人的头部特写,指接受采访者)在电视上发表谈话,经常给予特写镜头。这个词在大约1976年就出现了。

    This phrase is the loudmouth version of a talking head , a person , such as a newscaster or pundit , talking on television while shown in a close-up shot , an epithet3 that entered the language around 1976 .

  9. 在这些献媚取宠的特写当中,很多材料来源不清。

    Many of these adulatory characterizations were attributed to unnamed sources .

  10. Betty特写专栏就够了,照片就免了。

    Betty , write the feature . No photos , please .

  11. 后来她补充道:“自拍主要是头部特写,所以只要用iPhone手机就可以每日变换自己的造型了。”

    She added later , " Your selfie is your headshot , so you can reinvent yourself every day with simply your iPhone . "

  12. 《寻找左宗棠》(TheSearchforGeneralTso)的头号明星在影片一开始便得到一个特写镜头:为了给菜单拍摄照片,人们把这道以左宗棠命名的鸡肉菜端上来。

    The top-billed star of The Search for General Tso gets its close-up in the opening scene : the staging of that namesake chicken dish for a menu photo shoot .

  13. 甚至有关不明飞行物(UFO)的特写报道也是基于《信息自由法》所获取的信息。

    Even features about unidentified flying objects ( UFOs ) are based on information obtained under the FOIA .

  14. 事实是我叫它为X,它实际上只是一个程序-,它是程序的一个特写,我们可以参考使用它。

    The fact that I 've called it X , is really just a programming & it 's a feature of the programming language that I , the human , can now refer to it .

  15. 长期担任苹果首席设计师的乔纳森·伊夫(JonyIve)在《纽约客》(NewYorker)二月的人物特写文章中也对艾萨克森的传记进行了指责。

    Jony Ive , Apple 's longtime design chief , added his criticism of Mr. Isaacson 's biography last month in a New Yorker profile .

  16. 从《考斯比一家》(TheCosbyShow)开始,美剧树立了多个尽责父亲的形象,就连美国的名人杂志也拿布拉德•皮特(BradPitt)胸前绑着婴儿的画面当特写。

    Their television shows since The Cosby Show have offered exemplars of dutiful fathers ; their celebrity magazines feature Brad Pitt with a toddler strapped to his chest .

  17. 卡戴珊本周三在ins上晒了一张LV的特写照片,随即便有粉丝猜测宝宝的名字并将猜测发在了评论里。

    After Kim shared a close-up photo of the Louis Vuitton on Instagram Wednesday , her followers went into a baby name spiral sharing all of their thoughts and suggestions in the comments .

  18. 本网站的定期甲型H1N1流感科学更新是甲型H1N1流感子栏目的一部分,后者提供关于这种流感与发展中国家的最新新闻、观点和特写。

    SciDev . Net 's regular swine flu science updates are part of the swine flu subtopic which offers up-to-date news , opinions and features on swine flu and the developing world .

  19. 天才摄影师苏伦•门维尔延的动物眼睛的特写镜头照片不要担心,在这极不寻常的拍照期间,没有一只动物受到伤害。Horse马的眼睛Iguana鬣蜥的眼睛Hyena鬣狗的眼睛

    Close up photos of animal eyes by talented photographer Suren Manvelyan . Do not worry , no animals were harmed during this unique photo session .

  20. 如果想拍较大景观和特写照片,可以试试Olloclip的四合一镜头,这款售价80美元(或70英镑)的镜头集微距镜头和鱼眼镜头于一身,可严丝合缝地插在iPhone或三星(Samsung)Galaxy手机的镜头上。

    For wider landscape shots and close-ups , try Olloclip 's 4-in-1 lens , which for $ 80 ( 70 ) , provides macro and fisheye lenses that slot neatly over an iPhone or Samsung Galaxy camera .

  21. 在这篇特写中,SarahTomlin报道了由联合国千年项目和美国地球研究所的负责人JeffreySachs设计出的千年村庄项目。

    In this feature , Sarah Tomlin reports on the Millennium Villages project , brainchild of Jeffrey Sachs , who heads the UN Millennium Project and the US-based Earth Institute .

  22. 《自然》的另一篇特写文章报道了被誉为世界上最先进的疟疾疫苗的RTS,S,这种疫苗将很快进入临床试验的最后一个阶段。

    A separate article in Nature reports on RTS , S dubbed " the world 's most advanced malaria vaccine " which may shortly reach the final phase of clinical trials .

  23. 插页特写作为特大折叠插叶用的一份特写,如广告或日历Scaler中图像缩放内插算法的抗混叠优化

    A feature , such as an advertisement or calender , inserted as a centerfold . Improvement on anti-aliasing of several interpolation methods for the use in Scaler

  24. Dickson说,在科学与发展网络发表的大多数新闻和特写文章已经翻译成中文,能够通过如下站点访问:/chinese/gateway。

    Most of SciDev . Net 's recent news and feature articles relating to China have been translated in Chinese and can be viewed online at : / chinese / gateway .

  25. 在最高法院驳回这项加州提案前一个月,舍克劝一对共同生活十多年的加州伯克利同性恋伴侣克丽丝·佩里(KrisPerry)和桑迪·施蒂尔(SandyStier)为《人物》(People)杂志的一篇特写拍照。

    A month before the Supreme Court dismissed the California measure , Ms. Schake persuaded Kris Perry and Sandy Stier of Berkeley , Calif. , who had been together more than a decade , to pose for a feature in People magazine .

  26. KatharineSanderson在《自然》杂志的这篇新闻特写中报道,阿富汗的鸦片业在可能到来的合法化种植边缘步履蹒跚,而它可能成为发展中国家新的阿片类(麻醉剂)药物来源。

    Afghanistan 's opium industry is teetering on the brink of legalisation , and could provide a source of opiates for the developing world , reports Katharine Sanderson in this Nature article .

  27. 在同期发表的一篇特写中,科学记者YojanaSharma描述了移动电话、微型实验室和简单的工具包如何能够帮助迅速而廉价地探测假药。

    In the accompanying feature , science journalist Yojana Sharma describes how mobile phones , mini labs and simple kits can all help to detect counterfeits quickly and cheaply .

  28. 他作为特写,登上了以2013年传记电影《42号传奇》为主题制作的邮票上。该电影以罗宾森为原型,由哈里森·福特饰演BranchRickey;

    He was featured on a commemorative stamp , was made the subject of a 2011 biopic starring Harrison Ford as Rickey and Chadwick Boseman as Robinson , and starred in a 2014 Mazda3 commercial , the greatest of all honors .

  29. 她还拜访了Hiwot,即世卫组织《远大期望》照片特写中的17岁母亲,当时Hiwot的婴儿出生刚两天。

    She also visited Hiwot , the17-year old mother from WHO 's Great Expectations photo feature two days after the birth of her baby .

  30. 《美国女巫》(WitchesOfAmerica),阿历克斯·马尔(AlexMar)著(SarahCrichton/FarrarStraus&Giroux出版社,26美元)。马尔带来一本搜寻者的回忆录,透过面纱讲了下面的故事:一组关于奇妙的现代神秘学修习者们的新闻特写。

    WITCHES OF AMERICA . By Alex Mar. ( Sarah Crichton / Farrar , Straus & Giroux , $ 26 . ) Mar presents a seeker 's memoir told through a quilted veil : a collection of strong journalistic profiles of fascinating modern practitioners of the occult .