
cì jí
  • secondary;secondarily
次级 [cì jí]
  • (1) [secondarily]∶发生或发展的次序不是最初的,由分化或成长的后期产生的

  • (2) [secondary]∶感应线圈或变压器中的感应电流的,或其电路的

次级[cì jí]
  1. 次级燃料还原燃烧产物内NOx的动力学特性研究

    Kinetic characteristics of reducing no_x in combustion products with injection of secondary fuel

  2. 防护水平低能X射线次级标准电离室的研制

    A secondary standard ionization chamber for low energy X-rays dosimetry at protection level

  3. 风险最高的次级证券几乎没有人持有。

    The riskiest subprime securitieshave almost no takers .

  4. XY110型X射线机电源和高压次级电路工作原理及检修

    Working principle and repairing of XY-ray machine and the power

  5. 低能γ光子及X射线在透射金属箱方向激发的次级X射线

    The Secondary X-rays from foils excited by low energ γ and X-rays in the direction of transmission

  6. 海洋细菌Bacillussubtilis次级代谢产物的研究

    Studies on the secondary metabolites from the marine bacteria Bacillus subtilis

  7. 富时银行业指数(ftsebankingindex)包括7个主要的资产类别,但又分成40个次级资产类别。

    The FTSE banking index covers seven main asset classes but these are split into 40 sub-asset classes .

  8. 由于次级自由基效应,体外DNA链断裂具有反向氧效应;

    Due to the effects of the secondary free radicals of scavengers , the reverse oxygen effect can be observed for DNA strand break .

  9. ZEN是镰刀菌属菌在一定条件下产生的次级代谢产物。

    ZEN is the secondary metabolite of fusarium in specific conditions .

  10. 初步认为,次级联会产生的原因是非同源染色体之间的同祖关系。赖草染色体组J、N可能来自同一原始染色体组X。

    The result showed that the secondary assocition originated from homoeology between J and N possibly originated from same genome X.

  11. 通过在高频变压器的次级增加一个谐振电感并配合开关管PWM控制,实现了主开关元件零电压开通。

    ZVS is realized by adding a proper leakage inductance to secondary of the high frequency isolation transformer .

  12. 次级键受pH值、离子强度、温度等影响较大,而主级键基本不受pH值、离子强度、温度等影响。

    The secondary bond was greatly influenced by pH , ionic strength and temperature , while the primary bond was essentially not affected by these factors .

  13. 两家比较著名的发卡银行第一资金和汇丰Orchard银行都拥有庞大的次级信用卡业务。

    Two better-known card issuers with a big subprime business are Capital One and HSBC 's Orchard Bank .

  14. 使诱导了PAL酶活的改变和酚的积累等次级代谢反应。

    Enzyme and phenolic accumulation .

  15. 在E/P值较高时存在一个峰值,正比计数管工作电压越高,次级电子数目越多;

    While E / P is high , there exists a peak value , the higher the working voltage of proportional counter tube , the more the number of secondary electron emitted .

  16. 之后,我们在现有实验数据的基础上,利用MonteCarlo的方法模拟出未来可能的数据组,对各个实验探测次级效应的能力进行分析探讨。

    Then , we simulate the future experiment results using Monte-Carlo method and discuss the ability of different experiments in searching for the sub-leading effects .

  17. 利用改进型的键参数拓扑指数′H,分析了超导体晶胞原子与次级晶胞原子间的相互作用对临界温度的影响。

    The improved molecular topological indes ' H_ ( th ) was advanced to analyse the effect of atomic interaction between cell and secondary cell on critical temperature Tc of superconductors .

  18. 确保要记录日志的所有数据库都位于Domino数据目录中,或者位于根目录或者次级目录中。

    Make sure that all databases to be logged reside in the Domino data directory , either at the root or in subdirectories .

  19. 其中LPG液态高压输送装置包含有初级增压装置、液压次级增压装置以及电控装置;

    In this system , the LPG high-pressure transport equipment included primary press device , hydraulic press increase device and electronic controlled unit .

  20. Elicitor对长春花冠瘿细胞次级代谢的影响

    The effet of elicitors on secondary metabolism of crown gall tissue of C. roseus

  21. 整个海区100m以上水体的次级生产力平均为72.9mgC·m-2·d-1。同时计算了初级生产力与浮游动物的次级生产力的营养传递的效率,平均转化效率为18%。

    The average transformation efficiency estimated from primary productivity and second productivity was 18 % .

  22. 进入金融市场交易的次级债券衍生合约的市场规模被放大至近400万亿美元,相当于全球GDP的7倍之高。

    The market size of subprime bond derivative contract access to financial market trading was magnified to nearly 400 trillion dollars , as much as 7 times the global GDP .

  23. 贝尔斯登(BearStearns)上月透露,它旗下两只对冲基金蒙受了巨大损失&它们持有与次级抵押贷款相关的CDO证券,,但却难以判断损失的数量。

    Bear Stearns last month revealed large losses at two hedge funds that owned subprime-related CDOs - but had trouble quantifying the losses .

  24. 但高浓度CO2下克隆株中的初级和次级分株生长速率均高于低浓度CO2。在两种CO2浓度下相同克隆植株构件中的总碳含量没有明显差异;

    Both primary and secondary ramets had higher growth rate under elevated CO2 than under ambient CO2 . There was no difference in C content of the same clonal modules under two experimental conditions .

  25. 方法采用错配PCR和单链重叠延伸法,随机突变抗体重链可变区,建立次级噬菌体单链抗体突变库,并从中筛选出高亲和力单链抗体突变株。

    Methods A secondary single chain antibody mutant library was established by using error prone PCR and phage display . A single chain antibody with high affinity for VEGF was selected by using ELISA .

  26. 碰撞电离是辐射导致生物学损伤的重要过程,其中产生的次级电子是癌细胞DNA双链断裂的主要原因。

    Impact ionization is an important process in radiation damage of biological . The secondary electrons caused by the impact ionization process are the main reason which can lead to DNA double stand breaks ( DSBs ) of cancer cells .

  27. 蝗虫的次级生产力为5.18kJ/m2·a,是地上净初级生产力的0.18%。

    The net production of the grasshoppers is 5.18 kJ · m - 2 · a - 1 that accounts for 0.18 % of the above ground primary production .

  28. 结果表明,湿Q矢量散度场的分布反映了次级环流的方向和强弱,暴雨出现在中尺度环流明显增强时。

    The results show that the distribution of wet % Q % - vector indicates the direction and intensity of the secondary circulation . The heavy storm rain may occur when the mesoscale circulation enhanced .

  29. 三种松科植物(白皮松Pinusbungeana,油松pinustabulaeformis,白杄Piceameyeri)小孢子母细胞减数分裂中的次级配对和多极分裂现象

    The Secondary Pairing and Multipolar Division in PMC Meiosis of Three Species ( Pinus bungeana , Pinus tabulaeformis , Picea meyeri ) of Pinaceae

  30. 巴克莱总裁鲍博戴蒙德(bobdiamond)坚称,尽管美国次级抵押贷款市场危机引发了为期数月的动荡,但巴克莱资本(barclayscapital)业务的长期增长前景基本未受影响。

    Bob diamond , President of Barclays , insisted that long-term growth prospects for the Barclays Capital division were largely undimmed in spite of months of upheaval triggered by the meltdown in the US subprime mortgage market .