
  • 网络happy family;Family Fun;Family Fun Stuff;Growing Pains;The Growing Pains Movie
  1. 家居维修领域的初创公司欢乐家庭(HappyHomeCo.)会专门招聘已是父母的员工。

    The Happy Home Co. , a home repair startup , specifically recruits parents .

  2. 与欢乐家庭分享你的漂亮桌面!

    Share your cool wallpapers with joy family !

  3. 因此我们要努力改进,努力与“欢乐家庭”的成员拉近距离。

    So we try to improve that . We try to get closer to our Joy Family .

  4. 好了,在我们拆散欢乐大家庭之前。

    All right , before we break up the happy family .

  5. 这确确实实像是个“欢乐调频家庭”。

    It does really feel like a Joy-FM Family .

  6. 制造一个欢乐的家庭气氛。

    Make up a happy family atmosphere .

  7. 在七岁,他是个幸福的孩子,有个欢乐的家庭。

    At seven , he was a happy soul , a joy to have in the family .

  8. 它们希望能有一个幸福和欢乐的家庭&这也是我和孩子们的父亲离婚后也渴望得到的。

    It was neediness for love and a happy home & things the girls and I also hungered for since their father and I had divorced .

  9. 月饼以其不同的口味和幸福的寓意,她给中秋佳节带来欢乐祥和,家庭团团圆圆,美满幸福。

    Moon cakes with their tasty flavors and happy meanings bring out the joy of the holiday .

  10. 把音乐和欢乐带回了这个家庭。

    Brings music and joy back to the family .

  11. 珍珠之歌在基诺脑子里奏起胜利欢乐的旋律,家庭之歌温柔恬静的旋律在进行伴奏。

    The music of the pearl was triumphant in Kino 's head , and the quiet melody of the family underlay it .