
  • 网络College of Europe;european academy
  1. 很高兴来到欧洲学院同大家见面。

    It is a great pleasure for me to come to the College of Europe and meet with faculty members and students .

  2. 欧洲学院诞生于第二次世界大战结束之后,是人们反思战争、渴望和平的产物。

    The College of Europe was created after the end of World War Two , as a result of people 's reflection of the war and their yearning for peace .

  3. 第一批欧洲学院就是一些有共同兴趣的学生聚在一起组织起来的。

    The first European colleges were groups of students who came together because of the same interests .

  4. 欧洲学院不可能对雇主是否接收或拒绝学生工作申请的决定起到任何影响。

    Eurocollege has no influence whatsoever over the decisions of employers to accept or reject a students job application .

  5. 在适当的时间,欧洲学院还会给学生提供一份详尽的推荐信,以便证明他们的适应能力。

    If appropriate Eurocollege , at that time will provide a more detailed reference in support of the student 's candidature .

  6. 布斯商学院将其欧洲学院从巴塞罗那迁至伦敦,理由颇多。

    When Chicago Booth moved its European campus from Barcelona to London , there were lots of reasons for doing so .

  7. 就在欧洲学院成立的1949年,中华人民共和国成立了,中华民族的发展从此开启了新的历史纪元。

    Faculty members and students , in 1949 when the College of Europe was established , the People 's Republic of China was founded , heralding a new historical era in development of the Chinese nation .

  8. 经过半个多世纪发展,欧洲学院不仅成为欧盟的重要智库,而且成为欧洲政治精英的摇篮。

    Today , after more than 50 years of development , the College of Europe has not only served as an important think tank for the European Union but also become the cradle of political elites of Europe .

  9. 范龙佩先生说,欧洲学院始终位于欧洲一体化的核心,体现了在战争废墟上诞生的欧洲信念。

    In the words of President Van Rompuy , the college has always been at the heart of European integration , as it is in itself an expression of the faith of Europe born out of the ruins of war .

  10. 我也真诚希望,欧洲学院能够培养出大批了解中国、理解中国的人才,为中欧关系发展源源不断提供人才和智力支撑。

    I also sincerely hope that college of Europe will produce a large number of talents who know and understand China well , so as to provide a constant source of talent and intellectual support for the growth of China-Europe relations .

  11. 近年来,欧洲学院日益重视中国,开设了欧中关系课程,还积极筹建欧中研究中心,致力于欧中关系研究。

    Faculty members , students , the College of Europe has in recent years placed increasing importance on China . It has opened courses on Europe-China relations . It is also busy preparing for the launch of a Europe-China Research Centre devoted to studies of Europe-China relations .

  12. ESCP欧洲商学院(ESCPEurope)和美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院(MITSloanSchoolofManagement)也表现不错。

    ESCP Europe and MIT Sloan School of Management in the US also performed well .

  13. 相比之下,欧洲商学院的mba毕业生当中,仅有11%参与了类似的海外交换项目。

    By comparison , just 11 per cent of MBA graduates from European schools took part in similar overseas exchanges .

  14. 卡迪夫大学商学院(CardiffBusinessSchool)高级讲师乔攠污霍尼(JoeO’Mahoney)表示,格勒诺布尔高等商学院(GrenobleGraduateSchoolofBusiness)和卡迪夫大学商学院等几所欧洲商学院现在都提供咨询业课程模块。

    Joe O'Mahoney , senior lecturer at Cardiff Business School says several European schools , such as Grenoble and Cardiff , now run consulting modules .

  15. 麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院也和一些合作院校共同推出了双学位项目,比如巴黎高等商业学院-欧洲管理学院(ESCPEurope)。

    MIT Sloan also runs a double-degree programme with a number of partner schools , such as ESCP Europe .

  16. 法国的北方高等商学院(EDHEC),该学院同时参与了MBA和EMBA排名,其在欧洲商学院排行榜上的排名上升了8个位置,至第17位。

    Other schools registering strong performances this year include France 's Edhec , which rises eight places to 17th with its participation in both MBA and EMBA rankings .

  17. 伦敦商学院(LBS)连续三年蝉联欧洲商学院排行榜桂冠,但其在欧洲大陆的竞争对手在用于编制榜单的单项排名中领先。

    London Business School has topped the European table for the third year running - but continental rivals lead the European schools in the individual rankings used to compile it .

  18. 在定制课程排行榜上,其他表现突出的学校包括ESCP欧洲商学院(ESCPEurope),该学院排名上升幅度最大,上升28位,至第28名。

    Other notable performances in the customised programme rankings include ESCP Europe of France , which enjoyed the biggest jump , up 28 places to 28th .

  19. 以及最后一类工商会商学院(écoleconsulaire),包括巴黎高等商学院(HECParis)、ESCP欧洲商学院(ESCPEurope)等部分受法国商会(FrenchChambersofCommerce)监督的大型学院。

    and the é coles consulaires , a final group that includes big schools such as HEC and ESCP Europe , which are overseen , in part , by the French Chambers of Commerce .

  20. 荷兰Tias宁堡(TiasNimbas)商学院排名第20,这得益于其MBA排名进入了前100名。因同样的原因,德国莱比锡管理学院(HHLLeipzigGraduateSchoolofManagement)在欧洲商学院排行榜上排名升至第23位。

    The Netherlands " TiasNimbas is ranked 20th with the help of a top 100 MBA programme and Germany 's HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management is up to 23rd after entering the top 100 EMBA programmes .

  21. 在上榜的90所欧洲商学院中,法国的欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)在全日制MBA课程和EMBA课程方面居首,瑞士圣加伦大学(StGallen)的管理硕士课程排名第一。

    In this ranking of 90 European business schools , Insead in France leads the field for full-time and EMBA programmes , while the University of St Gallen in Switzerland is top for MiM .

  22. 欧洲管理学院协会(Cems)管理硕士项目——由30家商学院联合提供的国际项目——排名第九,比2015年下滑五名。该项目上一次上榜是在2015年。

    The Cems masters in management , the international programme provided through a network of 30 business schools , is ninth , down five places from 2015 , when it was last ranked .

  23. 德梅耶尔教授认为,亚洲商学院数量的增加将导致一波创新浪潮,一如欧洲商学院的崛起带来一年制mba课程和多元文化学生群体。

    Prof de Meyer believes the increase in the number of Asian business schools will result in a wave of innovation , just as the rise of the European business school saw the development of the one-year MBA programme and the creation of culturally diverse student bodies .

  24. 例如,已在法国和新加坡设立校区的欧洲工商学院(insead)又在阿布扎比开设了一个企业高管教育和研究中心,面向企业高管提供为公司特设的开放招生课程。

    For instance , INSEAD , which already has two campuses in France and Singapore , has opened a centre for executive education and research in Abu Dhabi , offering both company specific and open enrolment programmes for executives .

  25. 维也纳大学是欧洲管理学院共同体(CEMS)的一部分。这是一个学校与企业的联盟,旨在通过国际管理教学计划(这是对教育和专业经历的一种组合)培养欧洲的硕士人才。

    Vienna University is part of the Community of European Management Schools ( CEMS ), an alliance of schools and businesses that offer a pan-European Master 's in International Management programme , a combination of education and professional experience .

  26. 最后,在EMBA榜单上,若剔除与非欧洲商学院的合办课程,瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的毕业生的平均薪资为26.1397万美元,远远领先于排名第二的萨伊德商学院和排名第三的西班牙企业商学院。

    Finally , in the EMBA ranking , excluding joint programmes delivered with non-European schools , IMD of Switzerland , with an average salary of $ 261397 , is well ahead of Business School in second and IE Business School in third place .

  27. 我冒险的原因,是欧洲工商学院能为我提供的一切。

    I am taking this risk because of what Insead offers .

  28. 他认为,欧洲商学院也在发生变化。

    He believes that European business schools are changing , too .

  29. 欧洲音乐学院和中学协会

    European Association of Music Conservatories , Academies , and High Schools

  30. 英国和法国成为欧洲商学院教育的两大来源。

    The UK and France are the two powerhouses of business education in Europe .