
  • 网络Royalty
  1. 欧洲王室剪不断理还乱关于矿业权市场和矿业权评估中几个问题的探讨

    The Unfathomable European Royalty On Several Problems in Royalty Market and Assessment

  2. 在这片闪烁的阳光下,满目皆是这样的小王子和小公主,他们远比欧洲王室那些可怜的幸存者显得真切。

    You may meet in the flickered sunlight any number of little princes and princesses far more real than the poor survivals of Europe .

  3. 肯尼迪家族、艾森豪威尔家族、杜鲁门?卡波特、萨默塞特?毛姆和“几乎每一位著名的欧洲王室成员及女性王位继承人”在大驾光临曼谷时,无一例外都前往吉姆的住所与他共进晚餐。

    The Kennedys , the Eisenhowers , Truman Capote , Somerset Maugham and " nearly every prominent royal or heiress in Europe " ; they all came to dinner chez Jim when they graced Bangkok .

  4. 她是欧洲一个王室的贵戚。

    She is related to a European royal house .

  5. 这些众神创造者联姻与融合他们的路,就像欧洲大陆不同高贵王室联姻与融合他们的王国那样。

    Some of these creator gods married and merged their lines , just as on the European continent different monarchs and royal families have married and merged their kingdoms .