
  • 网络eu enlargement
  1. 本文从贸易、FDI和移民三个方面,探讨了欧盟东扩后劳动力跨区域流动的趋势以及劳动力市场可能发生的变化。

    This paper analyzes the trend of cross - regional labor migration and the possible changes presenting on Labor Market in the background of EU enlargement from the aspects of trade , FDI and immigration .

  2. 欧盟东扩与俄罗斯的选择

    The Choice of Russia on the EU Enlargement

  3. 本文主要分析了在欧盟东扩后,新成员国外商直接投资(FDI)决定因素。

    The thesis analyzed the determinant factors of Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) in new EU member states after accession .

  4. 欧盟东扩与结构基金的再分配

    Eastern Enlargement of the EU and Redistribution of the Structure Fund

  5. 欧盟东扩的政治动因分析

    An Analysis on the Political Causes of EU 's East Enlargement

  6. 欧盟东扩的经济分析

    The Economic Analysis of European Union 's Eastern Enlargement EASTERN EUROPE

  7. 论欧盟东扩的动因论欧盟东扩的动因及面临的问题

    On Reasons and Problems of EU 's Eastern Enlargement EASTERN EUROPE

  8. 欧盟东扩的前景分析

    Analysis of the Prospects for the Expansion of the European Union

  9. 欧盟东扩:新市场,新机遇

    The EU Looks Eastwards : New Markets , New Opportunities

  10. 欧盟东扩中的波兰现象评析

    Comment and Analysis of " Polish Phenomenon " in EU Eastward Expansion

  11. 欧盟东扩对区域内初级劳动力市场的影响分析

    Analysis of the Impacts on Regional Unskilled Worker Market by Eastern Enlargement

  12. 浅析欧盟东扩的动因及面临的弊病与挑战

    The Causes of EU 's Eastward Expansion and Drawbacks and Challenges It Faces

  13. 欧盟东扩与俄罗斯的对外经济贸易取向

    The Eastern Enlargement of EU and the Russia 's Preference in Foreign Economic Trade

  14. 欧盟东扩的正负效应分析

    An Analysis of Positive and Negative Effects of the Eastern Enlargement of the EU

  15. 欧盟东扩给我国外贸企业带来的机遇与挑战

    EU 's Eastward Expansion : Opportunity and Challenge to China 's Foreign Trade Businesses

  16. 从理性主义和建构主义试析欧盟东扩发展动因

    The Causes of EU 's Eastern Enlargement from the Perspectives of Rationalism and Constructivism

  17. 在国内外学术界,关于欧盟东扩对中东欧新成员国政党制度影响的研究都是一个相对较新的课题。

    Academic studies on the issue at home and abroad are all fairly new .

  18. 融入欧洲:欧盟东扩与俄罗斯的欧洲战略

    Integrate into Europe : Eastern Expansion of the EU and the European Strategy of Russia

  19. 欧盟东扩进程中的竞争政策协调研究

    Studies on the Harmonization of Competition Policy During the Process of EU New Round Enlargement

  20. 从这个意义上讲,欧盟东扩也是欧洲一体化发展到一定阶段的必然要求。

    In a sense , EU 's East Enlargement is the requirement of European Integration .

  21. 俄罗斯的文明归属问题在欧盟东扩的背景下再次引起讨论。

    The categorization of Russian civilization arouses discussions once again in the background of European eastern expansion .

  22. 欧盟东扩的文化视角欧盟东扩:中东欧候选国家入盟谈判解析

    Eastward Enlargement of EU : An Analysis of the Negotiations on the Accession of Central-Eastern Europe Countries

  23. 欧盟东扩后的欧乌关系:欧盟邻国政策的视角欧盟决定与土耳其展开入盟谈判述评

    EU-Ukraine Relations after the EU 's Eastern Enlargement : From the Perspective of the European Neighborhood Policy

  24. 浙江对欧出口受欧盟东扩影响的理论研究与实证分析

    The Impact of EU Eastern Enlargement on Zhejiang 's Export to It : Theoretical Study and Empirical Analyse

  25. 艰难的东扩之路:欧盟东扩的动因与前景分析

    A Hard Road of Eastward Expansion : Analysis of the Causes and Prospects of EU 's Eastward Expansion

  26. 第五章是从三方面剖析欧盟东扩影响中欧贸易的影响机制。

    Chapter 5 is to explain the reasons for trade diversion effect on Sino-European trade from three aspects .

  27. 欧盟东扩后,地区差距和聚合问题将更加突出。

    After the enlargement of the EU the regional gap and cohesion there will become even more prominent .

  28. 然而,欧盟东扩的三年内,并没有出现人们所担心的这种情况。

    However , this situation which people worry about is not happened in 3 years after EU Enlargement .

  29. 试析欧盟东扩对中东欧新成员国政党制度的影响&兼评政党制度中的欧洲怀疑论

    A Tentative Analysis on EU Eastern Expansion Impact on Central and East European New Members ' Political Party System

  30. 美国退到了第13位,而英国仅列第29位,是欧盟东扩之前的成员国中排名最靠后的。

    The USA languished in 13th , while Britain was 29th - the lowest of the pre-expansion EU nations .