
  • 网络Western music;MTV
  1. 我讨厌疯狂的欧美音乐。

    I can 't bear violent European or American music .

  2. “肘”乐队的单曲和专辑都雄霸欧美音乐排行榜,他们也享受着蒸蒸日上的音乐事业带来的成功。

    S.and European charts with hit singles and albums , Elbow has enjoyed all the success that comes with thriving music careers .

  3. 初探欧美流行音乐风格在演唱中的运用

    The Use of European and American Pop Music Style in the Singing

  4. 讨论欧美流行音乐!

    I love occident music !

  5. 贺女士也曾在多处进行欧美流行音乐演唱巡讲活动,受到广泛的赞誉和好评。

    She has toured in many places to make speeches that were widely welcomed and warmly hailed .

  6. 由于苏联不再是盟友,乐器演奏家涌向了欧美的音乐学院;其中很多人还留在了那里。

    With Russia no longer an ally , instrumentalists poured in to us and European conservatories ; many of them stayed .

  7. 同时,村上春树有很高的音乐修养,不仅喜欢欧美的现代流行音乐和古典音乐,而且钢琴协奏曲、小提琴协奏曲也都是他所喜欢的。

    At the same time , Haruki Murakami has a high musicianship , his like not only Europe and America music like a modern pop music and classical music , but also Piano Concerto , Violin Concerto .