
ɡē mí
  • lover of song;fan of a singer
歌迷 [gē mí]
  • [fan] 因为特别喜欢听歌曲或唱歌而入迷的人

  1. 她的最新唱片在歌迷之间反响不一。

    Her latest album has met with a mixed reception from fans .

  2. 摇滚歌星必须习惯歌迷要求签名的纠缠。

    Rock stars have to get used to being plagued by autograph hunters .

  3. 歌迷们围着售票处,试图买到音乐会门票。

    Fans besieged the box office to try and get tickets for the concert .

  4. 这支乐队的歌迷越来越年轻了。

    The band 's fans are getting younger .

  5. 在这个乐队还没出名的时候,我就是他们的歌迷。

    I was a fan back in the days when the band wasn 't yet famous .

  6. 音乐会结束后,乐队没等歌迷靠近就神秘地消失了。

    After the concert , the band was spirited away before their fans could get near them .

  7. 他所到之处都有成群的歌迷簇拥着他。

    Everywhere he went he was mobbed by a crush of fans .

  8. 他们这是在盘剥歌迷,简直是明目张胆的打劫。

    They 're just ripping the fans off ; it 's daylight robbery .

  9. 他已经起诉一个歌迷非法录制他音乐会的节目。

    He has sued a fan for bootlegging his concerts

  10. 鲍勃·迪伦的疯狂歌迷们对他的盗版唱片视若珍宝。

    Avid Bob Dylan fans treasure bootlegged recordings .

  11. 一名当红雷盖乐歌手对着一个年轻的歌迷唱了一首小夜曲,这让她感到了前所未有的激动与兴奋。

    A top reggae singer gave a young fan the thrill of her life when he serenaded her .

  12. 那个来自大阪的组合在日本本土很受欢迎,在美国也拥有一批狂热的歌迷。

    The Osaka-based group is popular home in Japan and has developed a cult following in the United States .

  13. 凯蒂的家人、朋友和歌迷都把她视为克服困难、实现梦想的榜样。

    Katy 's family , friends and fans look up to her as an example of someone who has overcome her difficulty and achieved her dreams .

  14. 风险投资人争相对他们进行投资,就像一群痴狂的女歌迷们在英国男子组合OneDirection的演唱会上,完全神魂颠倒。

    Venture capitalists on sandhill road swooned for their attention like a gaggle of girls at a one direction concert .

  15. Blue:中国歌迷们唱我们的歌唱得真棒。

    Blue : Fans in China can sing our songs so well .

  16. 歌迷泪洒BEYOND告别演唱会

    Fans weep at Beyond 's goodbye concert

  17. 麦克格雷格凭借歌曲《GuysDoItAllTheTime》和《TenThousandAngels》赢得了大量歌迷。

    McCready won over fans with songs such as Guys Do It All The Time and Ten Thousand Angles .

  18. Justin远离了歌迷们并在好莱坞山庄的家中专心创作。

    Justin gets away from fans and work at his home in the Hollywood Hills .

  19. 我很高兴地宣布,我和Simon一起期待着我们的第一个孩子,她给歌迷写道。

    Im delighted to announce that Simon and I are expecting our first child together , she wrote to fans .

  20. 纽约时报的音乐评论家期待这融合天王幻影与3D技术的演出将带给给所有观众一场视听上的盛宴,并将让无数歌迷们津津乐道。

    Jim Farber , music critic for the New York Daily News , said the combination of3-D technology and Michael Jackson could be a strong way for the show to get viewers talking .

  21. 还是只是由于Elena知道那就是歌迷最想知道的礼物呢?

    Or just because Elena knew the fans would like to know it more than other gifts ?

  22. 她重复了N次我的天呐,并多次感谢自己的歌迷和好朋友SelenaGomez。

    Repeating Oh my God numerous times , Taylor thanked her fans profusely , as well as her friend Selena Gomez .

  23. 当艾尔维斯·普莱斯利公司听说佩纳是一个歌迷时,它送了各种礼物到智利,包括照片、DVD、CD、一本书和太阳镜。

    When Elvis Presley Enterprises heard Pena was a fan , it sent various gifts to Chile , including a picture , DVDs , CDs , a book and sunglasses .

  24. Min-woo在其首张个人专辑中所呈现给歌迷的就是R&B歌手的一面,不过他的首支主打歌《JustOneNight》听上去更偏向于爵士。

    Min-woo 's first album show him as an R & B singer , though his first hit song , Just One Night , is more of a jazz genre .

  25. 演唱会上,他将自己的一曲浪漫情歌AFacetoCallHome献给了女友凯蒂佩里,在全场歌迷(也包括女友本人)面前诉说在他咽喉手术后的恢复过程中,凯蒂如何陪在自己身边。

    Dedicating his romantic jam A Face to Call Home to girlfriend Katy Perry , sharing his feelings in front of a massive crowd ( and the singer herself ) how Katy stood by his side as he recovered from throat surgery .

  26. U2的主唱歌手博诺说,他不清楚歌迷们对这张专辑会做何反应。

    U2 lead singer Bono said he did not know how fans would react to the record .

  27. 国际唱片业协会指控百度支持盗版,因为它让歌迷易于找到并下载未获授权的音乐曲目。这一诉讼得到SonyBMG、华纳音乐(WarnerMusic)和环球音乐(UniversalMusic)的支持。

    The IFPI suit , which is backed by Sony BMG , Warner Music and Universal Music , accused Baidu of supporting piracy by making it easy for fans to find and download unlicensed tracks .

  28. 迈克尔·杰克逊的父亲JoeJackson在接受福克斯新闻频道的采访时表示,他但愿他的儿子还能看到歌迷们对他的热爱。

    Speaking in an interview with Fox News , Michael Jackson 's father , Joe Jackson , said he wished his son was around to see the public outpouring of affection since he died .

  29. 据路透社3月21日报道,基里泰卡纳娃原计划在2005年与澳大利亚摇滚歌手约翰·法尔纳姆共同举行多场音乐会,但在观看法尔纳姆以前演出的DVD时发现了女歌迷向舞台投掷内衣的情景。

    The New Zealand soprano pulled out of a series of concerts with Australian rock singer John Farnham in2005 after watching a DVD in which female fans threw underwear at him on stage .

  30. 流行天后LadyGaga也十分热衷拥抱。她对歌迷说:如果有机会与你们见面,我一定会尽自己所能,给你们温暖的拥抱。

    Pop superstar Lady Gaga is also a hug enthusiast , telling her fans that I will always , always , try my very best to wrap my arms around you when I meet you .