
  1. 浅析歌剧《原野》中金子的人物塑造及主要唱段的演唱处理

    On the Characterization of Jin Zi and the Singing Techniques in the Opera Savage Land

  2. 歌剧《原野》的出现,又让世界更加深入了解到中国歌剧的特色。

    The emergence of the opera SAVAGE LAND , it makes the people of the world recognize and understand the characteristics of Chinese Opera .

  3. 本文以歌剧《原野》为例阐明了怎样理解声与情的关系、怎样把握声情并茂来表达作品内涵,进行了初步探究。

    This paper illustrates how to understand the relationship between voice and feeling and how to express the content with the principle of putting the feeling into the voice , using the opera Wilderness as an example .