
mǐ dài zi
  • rice bag;supply of grain for the public
  1. 连年来,一些地方政府热衷抓财政袋子,忽视米袋子建设,致使粮食播种面积得不到保障,一些地方甚至出现了土地抛荒现象。

    Year after year , some local governments keen to attach importance to developing " fiscal bags " but ignore the " rice bag " construction , so that grain sown area can not be guaranteed , some places even appears the phenomenon of land abandonment .

  2. 我的工作是把米袋子装满。

    My job is to fill the rice sacks .

  3. 坚持和完善米袋子省长负责制

    Uphold and improve the system of provincial governor 's assuming responsibility for the grain production

  4. 我与林涛一起去把马路上的米袋子挪开。

    I 'll go with Lin Tao to move the bag of rice out of the road .