
zhǐ duān
  • not-go-end
止端[zhǐ duān]
  1. 肌表面内、外两缘有线状排列的运动终板带,两带在肌止端相接,呈V形。

    After 2 bands encountering , they formed " V-shaped " motor endplate band in insertion of muscle .

  2. 结论外斜视V征的手术方法是根据病因不同,选择下斜肌减弱术或者水平肌止端移位术联合外斜视矫正术。

    Conclusions For V-style , exotropia with anterior transposition of the inferior oblique muscle and transposition of horizontal mucles combined with the correction of exotropia should be selected at different condition .

  3. 行拮抗肌后退术后,用直径为1mm的硅管经麻痹肌腹下连接眦部眶骨膜和麻痹肌止端前巩膜。

    After antagonist recession was completed , a silicone union ( 1 mm of its diameter ) was used to make a connection between the anterior sclera of paralytic muscle insertion and lateral or medial canthus periosteum of orbital .

  4. 目的了解上斜肌止端前缘的解剖部位。

    Objective To observe superior oblique muscle at the scleral insertion .

  5. 止端螺纹环规测量误差分析

    Analysis of measurement errors using not-go screw circular gauge

  6. 眶上血管神经出眶后100%行于皱眉肌外侧止端的深面。

    All supraorbital vessel and nerve run inferior to lateral insertion point of corrugator .

  7. 本文介绍了钢丝螺套环规的设计方法,给出了通端、止端螺纹环规和校对塞规的大、中及小径等各种参数的计算公式。最后,还给出了应用实例。

    This article presents a method used to design a wire thread ring gauge .

  8. 两侧部分腰大肌止端转位至盆底重建排尿功能的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy on the transposition of bilateral greater psoas muscles to reconstruct urination function

  9. 背阔肌多止端1例

    One case with more endings of latissimus dorsi

  10. 韧带颞骨止端纤维直接附于骨面;

    At the temporal attachment area , the fibres of ligament penetrated into bone directly .

  11. 转移部分髂腰肌止端至盆底的解剖学研究

    Anatomic Study of Transferring Part of the End of Iliopsoas Muscle to the Pelvic Botton

  12. 交叉韧带止端撕脱骨折的手术治疗

    Surgical treatment of cruciate ligaments avulsion

  13. 胎儿眼球下斜肌止端与相关结构关系的解剖学研究

    Anatomical Study of the Related Position between the Terminal Ends of the Inferior Oblique Muscle and Related Structures of Fetal Eyeball

  14. 术中见上斜肌异常者9/18(50.00%),表现为肌腱松弛、肌止端附着点位于上直肌的鼻侧止端。

    There were 9 in 18 eyes ( 50 % ) showing anomalies . They appeared to be loose tendon or the insertion locating at the nasal side of superior rectus insertion .

  15. 键槽深度塞规按照以往的结构尺寸进行加工,易产生热处理变形,且磨削出的圆弧尺寸、表面粗糙度及通、止端尺寸难达到图纸要求,存在很高的废品率。

    Machining spine depth plug gage based on previous structure size often caused heat treatment deformation with difficulty of satisfying the drawing requirements of arc size , surface roughness go and no go size , which resulted in high reject percentage .

  16. 髌外侧支持带,起于髌骨外侧缘,止于胫骨近端外侧面。

    The patella lateral retinaculum originates from the lateral border of patella and insert on the lateral aspect of the proximal tibia .

  17. 在逆止器的轴端孔内通过胀套和双平键与从动轴连接;

    The inner part of a shaft end hole of the backstop is connected with a driven shaft through an expansion bush and a double flat key ;