
  1. 肯尼迪没有接受过做油漆匠的正规培训。

    Kennedy had no formal training as a decorator .

  2. Ashrafi的情况就是一个典里例子:因为没有条件她只能在家分娩,而为她接生的是一个没受过正规培训的接生婆。

    Ashrafi , s case was typical ; She tried to deliver at home with the help of an untrained birth attendant .

  3. 大多数的人都没有受过灭火的正规培训。

    A.most individuals have no formal training in how to extinguish fires .

  4. 当预算紧张时,人们通常会取消接受正规培训的计划。

    When budgets are tight , the budget item usually cut first is formal training opportunities .

  5. 公司的首席执行官未必都是经过许多正规培训的人。

    A Chief Executive officer is not necessarily someone who has had a lot of formal training .

  6. 方法由受过正规培训的2名心理测验技师进行集体实施测查,结果采用SPSS10.0进行统计学分析。

    Methods Two formal trained psychological test technicians do assembly test . The result adopts SPSS 10.0 to do statistical analysis .

  7. 但也存在着考核未量化,上岗无正规培训,年龄限制偏严等不足之处。

    But still exist with demerits of estimation without quantization , work in post without training , too strict in age-control , etc.

  8. 在放射范围的长度,导致证书,联营公司或学士学位的正规培训方案。

    Formal training programs in radiography range in length that leads to a certificate , an associate or a bachelor 's degree .

  9. 这些投票站虽然按规定开放了9个钟头,但是常常连选举监督官员的人影儿都看不到,而且许多人还未没有经过正规培训。

    Although they all then stayed open for the regulation nine hours , election officials were often absent and many had not been properly trained .

  10. 公司的首席执行官未必都是经过许多正规培训的人。所以,我认为接受更多的学校教育未必就能促使你在成功的阶梯上步步高升。

    A Chief Executive officer is not necessarily someone who has had a lot of formal training.So , I doubt moreschooling would help you climb up that ladder of success .

  11. 方法采用列出全院所有直接护理、间接护理的148项,通过正规培训的人员进行分别测算等办法进行调研。

    Methods An investigation was made through listing all the 148 direct and indirect nursing procedures of the entire hospital and conducting separate calculations of each by formally trained people .

  12. 一些因为偏爱家庭教育而把孩子从学校里接回来的家长并没有充分的教育背景,也缺乏充分的正规培训,因此无法为自己的孩子提供满意的教育。

    Some parents who withdraw their children from the schools in favor of home schooling have an inadequate educational background and insufficient formal training to provide a satisfactory education for their children .

  13. 多数教师大学所学专业不是棒垒球专业,通过正规培训和自学学习棒垒球知识。

    Vocational teachers are getting younger and younger , college education degree . Most teachers in the university are not the Baseball and Softball professional expertise through formal training and self-learning knowledge of baseball and softball . 2 .

  14. 这些仿真界面已作为DMS-2002轮机模拟器的组成部分,该模拟器已投入正规教学培训使用。

    These interfaces have been a part of marine engine room simulator DMS-2002 which is already used in formal teaching and training .

  15. 培训要求:虽然没有正规的培训要求,但是对于那些在国家131老兵公墓和阿林顿国家公墓进行工作和管理的人员,弗吉尼亚州的国家公墓管理局(NCA)培训中心提供实践课程和专业培训。

    Training : There is no formal training required , although the VA 's National Cemetery Administration ( NCA ) Training Center offers instruction and professional development to those who manage and operate the country 's 131 veterans ' cemeteries and the Arlington National Cemetery .

  16. 系统化完整执行,且有正规技能培训,实习,考核等。

    Systematic training is implemented . Formal skill class with practice & examination .

  17. 管理人员几乎没有受过正规的培训,学历偏低。

    Management staff have received almost no formal training , low academic qualifications .

  18. 这是一次正规的培训,同时也是一次项目开题会。

    This is a formal training , and it is also a project proposal .

  19. 要接受正规的培训,走捷径最终会让你吃亏。

    Just do the proper training . Short cuts will catch up with you in the end .

  20. 知识渊博、满有爱心的教授:他们在圣经神学,以及圣经原文的希伯来语、亚兰语以及希腊语方面,都接受过正规的培训。

    Knowledgeable , compassionate professors who are well trained in Biblical theology and in the original Bible languages of Hebrew , Aramaic and Greek .

  21. 能力学习型:能够通过一定正规的培训、进修途径学习,有学习能力和创新能力。

    First , able learner : they learn knowledge by regular training , advanced study , then have ability to learn and innovate good things .

  22. 八五和九五期间,我国对中小学校长进行了大规模培训,建立了较为正规的培训课程,但同时,在课程内容上还存在一些问题。

    Our country have trained schoolmaster cosmically during the eighth-five and ninth-five , and established normal system of training-curriculum , but there also have many problems .

  23. 本章以大科学观转变为切入点,针对文章提出的科技帅才领导能力有待培养提升的问题,提出正规理论培训、岗位实践锻炼、不断研究学习三种培养途径。

    From the view of the big science , as for enhancing leadership training issues , three ways of cultivating were presented , which are formal theoretical training , practical job training , ongoing research study .

  24. 但是,有少数几个州需要正规的委托培训。

    A few states , however , require formal , accredited training .

  25. 影响安全注射的因素是乡村医生是否接受过正规的专业培训,以及门诊量的多少。

    The factors that influence the safety of injection related to the professional training of village doctors and the number of daily clinic patients .

  26. 所有员工接受了上海总部的正规、系统培训,具备了较高的专业水准和业务素质。

    All of the employees have received formal & systematic training from Shanghai headquarters and possess high professional level as well as good business qualification .

  27. 尽管凯伦没有接受过正规的烹饪培训,但这位来自美国乔治亚州亚特兰大的高地面包店蛋糕装饰师带领自己的团队总是能够应付自如。

    Despite Karen having no formal culinary training , the lead decorator and her team from the Highland Bakery in Atlanta , Georgia , always rise to the occasion .

  28. 乌鲁卡亚没有接受过正规的商业培训,也没有可以学习的创业榜样(“除了我父亲,我没有给任何人打过工。”),而且除了他自己,没有任何投资人。

    Ulukaya has no serious business training , no corporate role models ( " I never worked for anyone except my father . " ) and no investors except for himself .

  29. 协助低学历、低技术、弱势的一群,克服障碍;通过非正规教育及培训机会,提升他们的就业能力和就业机会。

    Providing opportunities for the less educated , low skilled , and disadvantaged groups to overcome barrier and access to employment opportunities , raising employability among them through informal education and training .

  30. 结果:91.3%护士认为护理记录很重要,52.0%护士未经过正规护理书写培训,仅24.3%护士能适用恰当的方法收集病人资料,65.7%护士认为没有充足的时间做护理评估。

    Results : 91.3 % of nurses thought that nursing records were of importance . 52.0 % of nurses had not got records writing training . Only 24.3 % of them could collect cases data through proper ways .