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zhèng yīn
  • correct one's pronunciation;standard pronunciation;Beijing opera
正音 [zhèng yīn]
  • (1) [correct one's pronounciation]∶指按一定的标准矫正语音

  • 正音正字

  • (2) [standard pronounciation]∶标准音

  • (3) [Beijing opera]〈方〉∶京戏

  • 他不爱听歌仔戏,倒爱听伊伊啊啊的正音

正音[zhèng yīn]
  1. 正音笛请还给我。

    I 'd like my pitch pipe back , please .

  2. 正音学对于字词发音的研究。

    The study of the pronunciation of words .

  3. 跟老师读单词,正音。

    Read the new words after the teacher .

  4. “这把小提琴该给正正音了。”她失望地说。

    " The violin should be tuned . " she said in a dispointed tone .

  5. 艾尔吉奥写道:伦敦发音成为专家们(正音学研究者和朗诵教师)对一种新口音的特权。

    London pronunciation became the prerogative of a new breed of specialists orthoepists and teachers of elocution .

  6. 通过研究分析,《字学元元》音系中存在正音、俗音。

    By careful study of the book , we find there are standard sound and dialectal sound in the phonology .

  7. 英文会话和正音的部分是我的强项,在课堂上我也会上到文法跟字汇的部分。

    I consider conversational English and accent reduction as my specialty . I also involve grammar and vocabulary revision during classes .

  8. 1446年《训民正音》的出版,更使汉字成为两国交流的重要工具。

    In 1446 , as " XunMinZhengYin " was published , Chinese characters became the important tool between the two countries .

  9. 正音班的教学以矫正发音、训练标准国语为目的,学生不限年龄和国籍。

    The teaching of pronunciation program focuses on pronunciation correction , training of standard mandarin , without restriction in age and nationality for the students .

  10. 但他确信像正音系统这样被设计用来教授关键感官技能的电脑游戏在教育界可能影响巨大。

    But he is convinced that computer games such as Phonomena that are designed to teach key sensory skills could make a big difference in education .

  11. 汉字及其音和义在三千年前就传到了韩半岛,特别是朝鲜王朝时期,世宗大王及学者深入研究汉语音韵,从而创造出自己的语言文字&训民正音。

    It should be noted early in Chosun Dynasty , King Sejong and Korean scholars studied Chinese phonology systematically , as a result of which their own language-HunMinJungUm , was created .

  12. 文章讨论了15世纪《训民正音》以前汉字注音的韩语文献资料。这些文献资料反映了不同时代汉字的汉语读音和韩语中的不同标记方法。

    This paper focuses on Chinese characters in the ancient Korean documents before 15th century , which reflected Chinese sounds in different times as different signs to mark the sounds in Korean then .

  13. 在普通话课堂教学过程中,既要注重普通话语音理论教学,又要搞好普通话正音训练,要用理论指导实践,提高学生的普通话水平。

    During the process of mandarin teaching , attention should be paid not only to phonetics theories , but also to the orthopedic training . At the same time , use theory to direct practice , so as to improve students ' mandarin level .

  14. 根据15世纪韩国半齿音△与汉语中古音日母之间的语音材料的记载,朝鲜的训民正音(1443)的创制来源于中国的《洪武正音》。

    According to the record of the 15th-century Korean semi-alveolar " A " and the Ancient and Medieval Mandarin Rhyme " z ", the Korean " Training People to the Correct pronunciations " ( 1443 ) had its origin in the Chinese " Hongwu Correct Pronunciations " .