
  • 网络positive series;series of positive terms;series of nonnegative terms
  1. 正项级数的比值放大判别法

    Discriminatory method for enlarging the ratio of positive series

  2. 正项级数问题中的两个新命题

    Two new propositions in problems of positive series

  3. 收敛正项级数余项rn的最优估计

    Optimal Estimation of Remainder r_n in Positive Convergent Series

  4. 基于p级数判敛的正项级数比值判别法的比较

    The comparision to the ratio value criterion of the positive series based on p-series 's convergence and divergence

  5. 给出一种判别正项级数收敛或发散的方法,它优于通常所用的达朗贝尔(D′Alembert)判刑法。

    A judgment method of convergence or divergence on positive sign series is given . It is better than D'Alembert method .

  6. 本文在Cauchy判别法和D′Alembert判别法基础上,对正项级数的收敛性提出了一个新的判别方法。

    In this paper , we obtained an new teaching method for series of positive terms convergence by the cauchy distinguishable method and D ′ Alembert distinguishable method .

  7. 运用无穷级数和Parseval等式,给出了一类广义积分的计算方法,并导出了一个广义积分精确值,同时得出了几个常见正项级数的和。

    By means of infinite series and Parseval equation , a method for calculating a class of generalized integral has been devised and a precise value of generalized integral derived .

  8. 决策的四项法律原则关于正项级数的发散准则

    The Four Statutory Principles of Policy-Making On Divergent Criteria for Positive Series

  9. 活用正项级数的比较收敛法

    Flexible Use of the Comparison Convergence of the Positive Term of Progression

  10. 进一步探讨正项级数的收敛与发散

    Further study on the convergence and divergence of serries of positive terms

  11. 关于正项级数的审敛法教学的探讨

    Discussion on the teaching method in convergence criterion of series of positive terms

  12. 关于正项级数的发散准则

    On Divergent Criteria for Positive Series

  13. 比式判别法和根式判别法是对正项级数收敛性进行判别的两种广用的方法。

    The ratio test and the root test are two widely used convergence tests for positive series .

  14. 对正项级数审敛中常用的达朗贝尔比值法作了补充,给出了一个新的审敛法。

    This paper gives a new test for series of positive terms , and extends D ' Alembert method .

  15. 文章着重介绍了在正项级数比较审敛法的极限形式中,用等价无穷小的方法来判别正项级数的敛散性。

    This paper is mainly about recognizing convergence with the methods of infinitesimal equivalence in the limit form of convergence criterion in series of positive terms .

  16. 以正项级数的比值为基础,采用逐步放大的思想,建立了一类判别正项级数敛散性的方法&比值放大判别法。

    Based on the ratio of positive series and by adopting the idea of step by step enlargement , this paper gives a set of discriminatory method for enlarging the ratio of positive series .

  17. 主要介绍了正项级数比较判别法的运用,利用所求级数的通项与特殊级数的通项相比较,简单快速地判断敛散性。

    The paper introduces briefly the application of a comparative method of the positive term of progression by utilizing comparison of the general term of required progression with that of special progression to judge quickly the convergence in operation .

  18. 运用Minkowski不等式和其他不等式,研究了正项随机级数的敛散性,给出了正项随机级数收敛的两个定理,并推广了相关结果。

    By using Minkowski inequality and other inequalities , the convergence of positive random series was studied , and two convergence theorems were given , generalizing the relative theorems .

  19. 正项随机级数的收敛性及应用

    Criterion About Convergence of Positive Random Series and Its Applications

  20. 正项矩阵级数的敛散性研究

    The Convergence to Matrix Series of Positive Terms

  21. 一般正项随机级数收敛的判别准则

    Criterion about convergence of positive random series

  22. 本文研究了正项矩阵级数收敛的充要条件,从而把正项级数的收敛原理推广到了正项矩阵级数的情形。

    In this paper , we study convergent necessary and sufficient condition to matrix series of positive terms , so we generalize similar conclusion to matrix series of positive terms from principle of convergence to series of positive terms .