
  1. 随着我军编制体制调整、武器装备更新和兵役制度改革,特别是现代通信技术的迅猛发展,作为我军军事通信主要手段之一的无线电台报务通信正面临着严峻的挑战。

    Along with our army workout system modulating , arms and equipment updating and military service system innovating , especially modern communication technique developing swiftly , the radio transmitter-receiver telegraph communication using as one of the main resorts of our army military communication is facing austere challenge .

  2. 随着武器装备的更新换代,现代航空飞行对后勤保障提出了更高的要求。

    With the development and update of weapon and equipment , aviation flight puts forward higher demand for logistics support .

  3. 现代制导技术的迅速发展和武器装备的不断更新,对制导导弹的训练使用仿真提出了苛刻的要求。

    The rapidly development of modern guiding technology and the renovation of new weapon bring forward rigorous demands for the training and employment of guided missile .

  4. 长江水师建立后,其官兵人数变化不大,武器装备长期没有更新,木质师船伴随其始终,前装洋枪炮、旧式鸟枪以及刀矛等冷兵器更新缓慢。

    After the Changjiang River naval forces was founded , there was not much change in the number of officers and men and the weaponry wasn 't also renewed for years .