
  1. 汉派文化属于特定的大都市文化,是武汉的精神和灵魂,是武汉区别于其它大城市之特质。

    Wuhan - style culture falls into that of the specific metropolises . It is the spirit and soul of Wuhan as well as a speciality that distinguishes Wuhan from other big cities .

  2. 宽容下的纵恶,坚忍中的麻木&汉味小说中武汉市民文化精神的一种状态

    Evil-indulging in Tolerance , Numbness in Firm Indignation & A State of Wuhan Civilian Culture Spirit in Wuhan-Flavoured Fictions

  3. 本研究以武汉市某精神病院住院精神病患者为研究对象,通过社会工作实践的方法探讨以优势视角为理念的工作方法在精神病患者小组中的应用策略。

    Through social work practice method , explore apply strategy which is strengths perspective as the concept of the working methods of the psychiatric patients group .

  4. 论武汉宣言的时代精神和历史意义

    On the Time Spirit and the History Meaning of Wuhan Manifesto

  5. 武汉市武昌区精神发育迟滞卫生服务调查

    Investigation on Health Service of Mental Retardation in Wuchang , Wuhan City

  6. 综合上述诸方面,构成武汉社会发展的精神动力体系。

    These forces constitute a system that pushes forward the social development in Wuhan City .

  7. 方法:将2003-10/2004-10在武汉大学人民医院精神卫生中心门诊或住院的患者随机分为两组。

    METHODS : The patients , who were treated at the out-patient clinic or hospitalization , Center of Mental Health , Renmin Hospital , Wuhan University from October 2003 to October 2004 , were divided randomly into 2 groups .

  8. 对象:选择2000-01/2004-12武汉大学人民医院精神科住院600例精神分裂症患者为精神分裂症组,患者家属同意参加此调查。

    PARTICIPANTS : The schizophrenic group included 600 cases of schizophrenia of first episode , who were hospitalized at the Psychiatry Department , Renmin Hospital , Wuhan University from January 2000 to December 2004 . The patient 's relatives agreed to participate in the investigation .

  9. 政策制定方面,克拉玛依还没有专门的心理卫生文件,武汉市则已颁布了《武汉市精神卫生条例》。

    On the aspect of the policy , the government has already promulgated Wuhan Mental Health Act in Wuhan city , but it has no special laws in Karamay . 8 .