
wǔ guān
  • military attaché;officer;military officer
武官 [wǔ guān]
  • (1) [military attaché]∶外交代表的军事顾问,为国家军事机关派驻外国的代表,是使馆组成人员之一

  • (2) [officer]∶指军官

武官[wǔ guān]
  1. 明代的武官集团既庞大又复杂。

    The Ming Dynasty military officer groups both large and complex .

  2. 第三部分介绍固原镇的职官系统,分文官系统、武官系统以及监军系统三个方面进行论述,并重点介绍三边总制府的设置。

    The third part introduces systems Guyuan Town Officials , it discussed from the three parts respectively , namely the civilian officer system , the military officer system and the supervision officer system and the set up of " Trilateral total system of government " .

  3. Awacs预警机交易后,班达尔王子成为沙特驻美大使馆的武官,后来升任大使。

    After the Awacs deal , Prince Bandar became military attach é at the Saudi embassy in the US , and was later promoted to ambassador .

  4. 他被任命为太后的侍从武官。

    He was appointed as an equerry to the queen mother .

  5. 贝隆在战争早期曾担任武官。

    Where peron had spent the eariy war years as a Miiitary attache .

  6. 这酸糖果使我酸得武官凑在一起。

    The sour candy made me pucker up .

  7. 随后,他宣布将两名美国武官驱逐出境。

    He expelled two American military attach é s.

  8. 左钦梭曾是在东京缅甸大使馆武官。

    Saw Khin Soe once served as a military attache at the Burmese embassy in Tokyo .

  9. 为侍从武官统率。

    and thy captains as aides-de-camp .

  10. 长官,我是在德国当海军武官的时候,他碰巧派我去完成几项保密性很强的任务。

    When I was naval attache in Germany , sir , he happened to use me on jobs involving high security .

  11. 美国海军武官乔伊斯是个老于世故的,乐呵呵的爱尔兰人,他请帕米拉跳舞。

    Captain Joyce , the American naval attache , a jolly Irishman with a knowing eye , asked Pamela to dance .

  12. 驻纳粹德国的美国海军武官当然是个人物,您可以给军事准备和两洋舰队打气。

    America 's naval attache in Nazi Germany is certainly somebody . You could strike a blow for preparedness , or a two-ocean Navy .

  13. 而这些可贵的仆人,他们既非随行武官,也非其他皇室侍从,而是她可靠的漆皮皮鞋,皇室的无名英雄。

    And these valuable servants ? Not equerries or other royal minions , but her trusty patent leather shoes , the unsung heroes of the Royal household .

  14. 中国军方通过外国武官网络和越来越多的正式交往,也在与世界各国的同行建立联系。

    The military is also reaching out to counterparts around the world through a network of overseas defence attach é s and a growing list of formal exchanges .

  15. 他的从戎生涯包括塞拉里昂的维和使命,保卫总统,以及祝中东的巴基斯坦武官。

    His army career has included a peacekeeping mission in Sierra Leone , presidential security and a posting as defense attache on the Middle East based in Pakistan .

  16. 唐后期地方武官制度与唐宋历史变革铸铁熔化之后,就倒进铸模里。

    On the local military system of the later Tang and historical changes of Tang and Song ; The cast iron was melted and poured into sand moulds .

  17. 侍从武官文质彬彬,非常谦虚,仿佛要俄国副官不必对他太客气似的。

    The adjutant , by his elaborately formal courtesy , seemed to wish to guard himself from any attempt at familiarity on the part of the Russian adjutant .

  18. 请看这边王陵遗迹分布图:王陵遗址位于安阳市西北郊洹水北岸的侯家庄与武官村北的高地上。

    The site is located in a suburb northeast of the city of Anyang , on the high bank of the Huan river north of Houjiazhuang and Wuguancun villages .

  19. 我的祖母凯勒是一个侍从武官的女儿,那名军官叫亚历山大·穆尔;祖母也是亚历山大·斯鲍茨伍德的孙女,这位斯鲍茨伍德先生曾是弗吉尼亚州最早的殖民总督。

    My Grandmother Keller was a daughter of one of Lafayette 's aides , Alexander Moore , and granddaughter of Alexander Spotswood , an early Colonial Governor of Virginia .

  20. 但韩国当地一家报纸采访尹俊元的父亲尹钟九时,他对此表示否认。尹钟九曾出任韩国驻莫斯科大使馆武官。

    However , in an interview with a local paper , Yoon Jong-gu , who once served as a military attach at the Korean Embassy in Moscow , denied the rumor .

  21. 声明没有提到这些外交官的详细情况,但波兰外交部的一名官员表示,遭到驱逐的是三名武官和使馆政治处的一名官员。

    It did not give specifics about the expelled diplomats , but an official in the Polish Foreign Ministry said they were three military attaches and one employee in the embassy 's political section .

  22. 王陵遗址位于安阳市西北郊洹水北岸的侯家庄西北岗、武官村北地的高地上。

    The Royal Cemetery is located in the northwest suburbs of Anyang , on the northern bank of the Huan River in an area known as the northwestern high ground above Houjiazhuang and Wuguancun villages .

  23. 过了五分钟,侍从武官走回来,他特别恭敬地弯腰鞠躬,让安德烈公爵在前面走,带领他穿过走廊进入军务倥偬的军政大臣的办公室。

    Five minutes later the adjutant returned , and with marked courtesy , bowing and ushering Prince Andrey before him , he led him across the corridor to the private room of the war minister .

  24. 克莱门:但是她在核威胁倡议组织的同事、前美国驻俄罗斯空军武官罗伯特·伯尔斯表示,同俄罗斯方面谈论这些问题有难度。

    KELEMEN : But one of her colleagues at NTI , a former U.S. air attache to Moscow , Robert Berls , says it 's been difficult talking to his Russian counterparts about these and other issues .

  25. 罗贤哲是2004年被派驻泰国担任武官期间被大陆吸收的,但直到去年底才引起台湾军方怀疑,当时军方正在调查另一桩间谍案,涉及一位级别较低的军官。

    Mr Lo was recruited by the Chinese in 2004 while a military attache in Thailand , and came under suspicion only at the end of last year , when the military was investigating a separate spy case involving a lower-ranking army official .