
  • 【地名】【日本】Musashi
  1. 武藏:那他们为什么要抓她?

    Musashi : so why would they want to take her ?

  2. 武藏拿起巨剑,收了回去。

    Musashi picks up the great oar and puts it away .

  3. 武藏:你知道他们把她抓到什么地方吗?

    Musashi : do you know where they 've got her ?

  4. 你为什么不要武藏跟你上床?

    Why didn 't you let Musashi make love to you ?

  5. 就好比把核武藏在自己衣柜里。

    It 's like keeping nukes in your closet .

  6. 马卓老大把武藏当作老大,就是这样!

    Brother kiwhan treats Musashi as big bro , and that 's that !

  7. 你挑战武藏的时候,为什么不事先通知我?

    Why did you get Musashi without telling me ?

  8. 武藏把星岩放到桌面上。

    Musashi places the nebulite on the table .

  9. 武藏:啊,也是。那我们是否就是一队的了?

    Musashi : yeah , that too . so , are we a team or what ?

  10. 武藏:而且回到村子你马上要向全村人道歉。

    Musashi : and you 'll apologize to the whole village as soon as we get back .

  11. 武藏:就是说,你把剑带走,我把女孩带走。

    Musashi : so the deal is , you get the swords and I get the girl .

  12. 武藏:哦?到底怎么了?她不是需要帮助的吗?

    Musashi : oh , yeah ? How come ? She wanted help , didn 't she ?

  13. 武藏:对啊,俗话说,没有比当一个老师更好的学习方法了。

    Musashi : Well , they say that there 's no better way to learn than to be a teacher .

  14. 佐佐木小次郎是日本剑圣宫本武藏很长时间的敌手,并且也被认为是武藏面对过的最厉害的对手。

    Sasaki Kojiro was a long-time rival of Miyamoto musashi , and is considered the most challenging opponent Musashi ever faced .

  15. 年轻的武藏大人,我们真的不知道该如何报答你在险境中救回我们的女儿?你异常的勇气深深激励了我们。

    Young Lord musashi , how can we ever repay you for delivering our daughter from such peril ? Your extraordinary valor inspires us all .

  16. 把地点安排的如此之远是因为,如果小次郎在这次决斗中失败,他的很多弟子门徒将杀死武藏。

    The place was so remote probably because by this time Kojiro had acquired many students and disciples , and had Kojiro lost , they would have attempted to kill Musashi .