
  • 网络Wudang;mouton;THE UNDAUNTED WUDANG
  1. 是“武当帮”乐队最初的队名呢(*WuTangClan:黑人嘻哈乐队)

    was the original name of the Wu Tang Clan .

  2. 将两组患者治疗后JOA评分进行比较分析,P0.05,两组患者疗效无明显差异,武当顺势整脊疗法可应用于腰椎间盘突出症的治疗,其疗效得到肯定。

    After treatment the JOA score for comparative analysis , P0.05 , two groups of treatment effect in patients with no significant difference in the two groups .

  3. 本文研究了鄂西天宝山、武当山、星斗山等山地土壤胶体的阳离子交换量(CEC)与其固相组成的关系。

    The cation exchange capacity of mountain soil colloid in western area of Hubei province and its relation to solid phase components were studied .

  4. 通过对武当山地区的综合研究,提出武当山地区为一韧性推覆构造,其几何样式为一个巨型的AB型褶皱。

    By comprehensive study , Wudang Mountain tenacity nappe tectonics has been pointed out at the first time . Its geometrical pattern is a giant " AB " type of fold .

  5. 武当群上部变沉积岩组时代归属问题:单锆石U-Pb年龄的制约

    A discussion on the age of the meta-sedimentary rocks in the upper part of the Wudang group : constrained by the grain-zircon U-Pb Dating

  6. 作者通过对武当群的所有年龄测定数据重新作了综合分析之后认为:1.变酸性火山岩的下限年龄大于1900Ma;

    The authors analyzed and interpreted again all the age data in the Group using some new dating methods . The integrated analysis indicates the ' following : ( 1 ) the lower limit of the ages of the meta-acid volcanic rocks should be older than 1900 Ma ;

  7. 鄂西北武当山群的划分与对比

    The division and correlation of Wudangshan group in northwestern Hubei Province

  8. 武当隆起西缘金(银)矿成矿分析与找矿探讨

    Mineralization and exploration of gold-silver deposits in the Western Wudang uplift

  9. 武当山旅游发展对策研究

    The Study of the Policy for the Development of Wudang Tourism

  10. 而悲惨的麦兜却要到武当山上学太极。

    McDull has to go to Wudang Mountain to study taijiquan .

  11. 鄂西北武当山岩群的划分及构造特征

    Division and structural characteristics of Wudangshan group complex in northwestern Hubei

  12. 武当山古婚俗研究

    A Study of Ancient Marital Customs in the Wudang Mountain Area

  13. 武当山近50年考古新发现

    New Archaeological Finds of the Wudang Mountain in Recent 50 Years

  14. 武当山&巴渝舞之源

    Mount Wudang : the Original Place of " Bayu Dance "

  15. 武当山明铸金殿散论

    On Golden Hall of Wudang Mountains Made in the Ming Dynasty

  16. 论武当山区民间叙事长诗的文化价值

    On the Cultural Value of Folk Narrative Poems in Wudang Mountains

  17. 武当山特区居民对武当武术影响的感知和态度

    Wudang Mountains Residents ' Recognition to and Attitudes towards Wudang Wushu

  18. 武当武术文化旅游资源管理体制有待完善;

    Wudang martial arts cultural tourism resources management system to be improved ;

  19. 玛雅·黛润被誉为美国地下电影之母,她的影片《对暴力的反思》直接取材于中国武当与少林武术。

    Maya Deren is reputed as the mother of American underground films .

  20. 制定了北武当山旅游景区总体规划方案设计。

    Formulated the north Wudang mountain tourism scenic area overall plan design .

  21. 武当道教武术在全民健身中的作用

    Function of Taoist Wushu in Wudang on fitness for all

  22. 你认为用你的武当剑能够击败我吗?

    Do you think your Wu-Tang sword can defeat me ?

  23. 略论武当文化对中国传统文化的贡献

    On the Contribution of Wudang Culture to China Traditional Culture

  24. 谋杀,感受下武当的嚣张气焰,哗!

    Murder , taste the flame of the Wu-Tang RAHH !

  25. 武当地块中的走滑韧性剪切带初步研究

    A Primary research of strike slip ductile shear zone in Wudang Block

  26. 武当道教文化研究索引(续)

    The Research Index of Wudang Taoist Culture ( continued )

  27. 武当山道教对联文化探微

    The Profound Investigation of the Antithetical Couplets in the Taoist Wudang Mount

  28. 武当山太子坡狮子峰老君岩石窟造像考

    Examination of the Peak Buddha on Mount Lion in Wudang

  29. 试论《武当风景记》的道教文学价值

    Taoist and Literary Values of Scenic Spots in Wudang Mountain

  30. 武当金殿是中华民族的国之瑰宝。

    Wudang Golden Hall is the gem of Chinese nation .