
Wǔ Chānɡ qǐ yì
  • Wuchang Uprising
  1. 武昌起义打响了推翻封建王朝的第一枪。

    The Wuchang Uprising fired the first shot against the feudal imperial regime .

  2. 武昌起义使很多热血志士首次经受革命的洗礼。

    Many revolutionary devotees were blooded in Wuchang Uprise .

  3. 武昌起义军政府旧址

    Site of the Military Government of the Wuchang Uprising

  4. 武昌起义爆发后,各省纷纷宣布独立。

    After break out of Wuchang Uprising , independence was declared by various provinces .

  5. 在1911年的武昌起义中,谣言发挥了十分重要的作用。

    In the Wuchang Revolt of 1911 , rumor played a very important role .

  6. 辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆

    Museum of Wuchang Uprising of 1911 Revolution

  7. 黄兴与武昌起义新论

    Huang Xing and Wuchang Revolt

  8. 在立宪与革命之间&试论武昌起义前后章士钊的政治思想

    Between Constitution and Revolution

  9. 辛亥革命促成了民族工业的第一辉煌期,武昌起义的成功标志着孙中山武装革命学说和辛亥革命的胜利。

    The success of Wuchang Uprising marked the victory of Sun Zhongshan 's theory of armed revolution and Xinhai Revolution .

  10. 四川保路运动是武昌起义和辛亥革命的导火索,率先开启了近现代中国波澜壮阔的历史画卷。

    Protection Movement in Sichuan is the Wuchang Uprising and the fuse of revolution , opened the first modern Chinese history magnificent .

  11. 但是,在各类辛亥革命叙述中,武昌起义并不总是能够获得与其意义对等的对待。

    However , in all kinds of narrations of the Revolution , the Wuchang Uprising is not always be properly narrated as it deserves .

  12. 武昌起义爆发后,他公开反对共和,并积极阻挠清帝退位。

    After the Wuchang Uprising in 1911 , he refused to accept the newly founded Republic and planned to prevent the Qing 's rulership from collapse .

  13. 在武昌起义成功,临时政府成立,满洲贵族退位之后,失去了公理的暗杀变的名不正而言不顺。

    After the Wuchang uprising Success , the interim government was established , manchu noblemen abdicate the throne , the assassination which lost the " axiom " has become without proper reason .

  14. 1911年武昌起义成功后,在山西积极响应,组织起义军推翻清政府在山西的统治,并成立了军政府,被推选为山西督军。

    In 1911 , Wuchang uprising in Shanxi after a successful responded positively to overthrow the Qing government , organization in Shanxi insurgents ruled , and established the junta , was elected as Shanxi overseers .

  15. 革命军起,革命党消是章太炎为适应武昌起义之后中国政制转型之需要而提出的政治口号。

    The slogan " As the revolutionary armies rises , the revolutionary party disappears " was a political slogan put forward by Zhang Taiyan to meet the needs of the transformation in the Chinese political system after the Wuchang Uprising .

  16. 武昌起义后,为了巩固胜利成果,一些省份的军政府制定了本省的宪法性文件,即各省约法,以根本法的形式确立了资产阶级议会共和政体。

    After Wuchang Uprising , in order to consolidate the victory , the military governments in some provinces formulated their constitutional documents , namely provincial provisional constitutions , which established the bourgeois parliamentary republican regime in the form of fundamental law .