
  • 网络Wushu Genre;List of Chinese martial arts
  1. 关于武术流派形成因素的研究

    The Research on the Elements of Wushu-school 's Form

  2. 传统武术流派的分类与推展策略

    Classification of traditional Wushu genres and promotion countermeasures

  3. 从文化传统的视角剖析武术流派的形成

    An Analysis of The Formation of Wushu Schools from The Perspective Of Cultural Tradition

  4. 采用文献分析法、专家访问、专家座谈等方法,探讨了传统武术流派的分类与推展策略。

    With adoption of literature study and expert interview , this paper studied the classification of the traditional Wushu and its promotion countermeasures .

  5. 和许多其它的体育运动不同,综合格斗融各种武术流派特质于一身,因此你必须全面训练,博采众长。

    Unlike a lot of other sports , MMA incorporates characteristics of various martial arts styles , therefore you have to practice and adopt their different strengths .

  6. 中国武术的流派繁多,却没有统一的命名方法。

    Although Chinese Wushu has many schools , there are no uniform naming methods .

  7. 武术内容丰富,流派众多,是中华民族的传统体育项目,它是我国提出全民健身计划以来,深受人民群众喜爱的一项体育运动。

    Wushu has rich contents , and plenty of sects , it is the traditional P E event of China , and also a favorable sports event after putting forward Mass Body-building Project .

  8. 然而,武术申奥活动,也缓和了有关中国武术未来的一些紧迫问题。中国有数百种武术流派和类型,有徒手格斗,也有使用从战斧到双节棍等各种武器的。

    Yet the Olympic campaign also throws into relief pressing questions about the future of Chinese martial arts , a constellation of hundreds of schools and styles teaching bare-hand combat and the use of weapons ranging from battle axes to chain-linked staves .