
  • 网络qigong;Health qigong
  1. 开展健身气功竞赛的意义及可行性分析

    Analysis of Significance and Feasibility of Building-Up Qigong Competition

  2. 以合作共赢的形式使健身气功走进俱乐部,为健身气功进一步社会化、市场化奠定前期基础。

    In the form of win-win cooperation to make Qigong step into the clubs , it will lay the early foundation for the further socialization and mercerization of health Qigong .

  3. 河南省健身气功在广场体育中的发展潜力研究

    Development Potential of Fitness Qigong in Square Sports in Henan Province

  4. 从儒家视野观照健身气功与和谐社会

    On Fitness Qigong and Harmonious Society from the View of Confucianism

  5. 健身气功&八段锦对机体心血管功能影响的观察和机理研究

    Fitness Qigong-Brocade to Organism Cardiovascular Function Influence Observation and Mechanism Research

  6. 健身气功·五禽戏之身体文化研究

    Study on Body Culture of Game Imitating Five Animals and Body-building Qigong

  7. 健身气功教学文件发展严重滞后。

    The development of Health-care Qigong files is serious lagging ; 3 .

  8. 关于《健身气功&八段锦》视频教学缺失之我见

    On the Shortcomings of the Teaching Video Fitness Qigong Ba Duan Jin

  9. 健身气功与儒家环境教育思想思考

    Reflections on Fitness Qigong and the Educational Thoughts of the Confucian Environment

  10. 健身气功·八段锦对2型糖尿病内皮依赖性血管舒张功能影响的研究

    Effect of Qigong · Baduanjin on Endothelium-dependent Arterial Dilation of Type 2 Diabetes

  11. 健身气功产业发展的条件和方向

    On the Developing Conditions and Directions of the Health Qigong Industry Industrial Trend

  12. 目的探讨健身气功与心理健康的关系和作用。

    Objective : To discussing the relationship of gymnastic qigong and mental hygiene .

  13. 社区居民也对健身气功了解认识微乎其微。

    Community residents of fitness Qigong know very little .

  14. 研究结果提示新编健身气功八段锦可以明显地提高老年人的生存质量。

    Therefore , new Baduanjin can obviously improve old people 's life quality .

  15. 健身气功在构建上海市多元化社区体育服务体系中的作用

    Function of Fitness Qigong in Construction of Shanghai Service System of Pluralized Community Sport

  16. 浅论健身气功对医学院校残疾学生身心健康的促进作用

    Role of Health Qigong in Promoting Physical and Mental Health of Disabled Medical Students

  17. 河北省本科高校健身气功的开展现状研究

    Research on Carring out Status Quo of Health Qigong in Undergraduate Colleges of Hebei

  18. 健身气功·八段锦健心功效实验探讨试论气功、气功精华与全民健身气功活动管理

    The Discussion of Qigong , Essence Qigong and the Management of National Qigong Activity

  19. 而有着中国深厚传统文化根基的健身气功却备受冷落。

    The Chinese have a deep cultural roots of traditional qigong are relatively isolated .

  20. 因此,应该在普通高校开展健身气功课程。

    Therefore , we should carry out fitness Qigong courses in Colleges and universities .

  21. 健身气功八段锦对亚健康的调节作用研究

    A Study on the Regulate Function of Health Qigong Ba Duan Jin on Sub-health State

  22. 健身气功·新编五禽戏结合放松功治疗慢性失眠的研究

    The Effect on Chronic Insomnia by Health Qigong · Wuqinxi Combined with Relaxing Exercise Treatment

  23. 练习新编前后健身气功·易筋经对自主神经系统的影响

    Influences of traditional and newly compiled Health Qigong Yi Jin Jing on automatic nerve system

  24. 论健身气功在推进治未病健康工程中的价值

    On the Value of Qigong in Promoting the Health Project of Preventive Treatment of Disease

  25. 健身气功与现代人的心理健康

    Body - building Qigong and Psychological Health

  26. 健身气功易筋经延缓中老年人智能老化的研究

    A research on Health Qigong-Yi Jin Jing for slowing down intelligence decline of the aged

  27. 从中医学角度浅谈新编健身气功·八段锦的功理与作用

    On the Theory and Function of the New Baduanjin from the Perspective of Chinese Medical Science

  28. 关于健身气功若干问题的思考

    On the Questions of Fitness Qigong

  29. 健身气功·易筋经改变亚健康人群免疫功能的影响和机理研究

    Fitness Qigong Yi Jinjing Changes the Asian Healthy Crowd Immunologic Function the Influence and the Mechanism Studies

  30. 运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和逻辑分析法,对我国健身气功科研现状进行了调查。

    Investigation and Analysis on Research Situation on Fitness Qigong in the Recent Twenty Years in China ;