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shū sǐ
  • desperate;life-and-death;behead
殊死 [shū sǐ]
  • (1) [behead]∶古时指斩首的死刑

  • (2) [desperate]∶拼死;决死

  • 军皆殊死战,不可败。--《汉书.韩信传》

殊死[shū sǐ]
  1. 彼得森突然发现自己身陷一场殊死搏斗中。

    Peterson suddenly found himself in the thick of desperate fighting .

  2. 以色列为生存而进行殊死战斗。

    Israel fought a desperate battle for survival .

  3. 他现在面临一场杀入四分之一决赛的殊死决战。

    He now faces a fight to the death to reach the quarter-finals .

  4. 经过殊死的较量,他占了对手的上风。

    After a fierce struggle , he got a beat on his opponent .

  5. 奥萨马本拉登(OsamabinLaden)对于威慑或其它形式的殊死谈判毫无兴趣。

    Osama bin Laden has no interest in deterrence or other forms of deadly bargaining .

  6. 在线游戏的奇幻世界里,索尼(Sony)这样的跨国公司就像一个笨拙的巨人,正与身手敏捷的英雄展开殊死搏斗。

    In the fantasy world of online gaming a multinational corporation such as Sony would be a lumbering giant locked in a battle to the death with a nimble-footed hero .

  7. 他们绝少去猜疑,在他那番自我谴责的言辞中潜藏着多么殊死的涵义。

    They little guessed what deadly purport lurked in those self-condemning words .

  8. 就在我们的人与它殊死抗争时。

    And while my people fight for their very souls against it .

  9. 我的心和眼在进行殊死搏斗。

    Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war .

  10. 生活是适者生存的一场殊死搏斗。

    Life is a deadly struggle in which only the fittest survive .

  11. 柯达怎么可能预见到手机将成为自己需要殊死一搏的对手呢?

    How could Kodak possibly have the foresight to battle a phone ?

  12. 受害者显然做了殊死搏斗。

    The victim obviously put up a good fight .

  13. 用木棍和拳头作的殊死一搏。

    A last-ditch fight with clubs and bare hands .

  14. 我们每个人都在这个声音殊死搏斗。

    Each of us have a voice in this life and death struggle .

  15. 但这会是一场殊死较量。

    But it 's a fight to the death .

  16. 母狼为了保护幼崽同猎豹展开了殊死的搏斗。

    The she wolf fights against the leopard so as to protect her whelps .

  17. 各派候选人与候选人之间的斗争,真正可以说得上是一场你死我活的殊死之战。

    The competitions among candidates are throat-cut ; it is truly a life-and-death battle .

  18. 国王在博斯沃思战场上,作殊死的战斗。

    The king is fighting for his life ( 1 ) on Bosworth Field .

  19. 过去的角斗士就是在这个竞技场展开殊死的搏斗。

    This is the arena in which gladiators used to lock in mortal combat .

  20. 他们发现自己不得不和一种名为科摩多龙的食人动物进行一场殊死搏斗!

    Instead they found themselves having to fight off a real " man-eating " Komodo dragon .

  21. 我军在外城和敌人展开了殊死搏斗。

    Our army had a life-and-death fight with the enemy at the outer walls of the city .

  22. 在现实中,毛毛虫和植物为求生存而殊死搏斗,而全面战争肯定少不了化学武器。

    In the real world , some caterpillars and plants engage in a deadly struggle for survival .

  23. 该组织曾参加过一系列殊死战役,为的是有利可图的橡实果。

    The cartel has been engaged in a series of deadly battles for the lucrative seedot worts .

  24. 此次的化石被称为“蒙大拿决斗恐龙”,因为他们看上去被定格在一场殊死搏斗中。

    They 're called the Montana dueling dinosaurs because they appear to be locked in mortal combat .

  25. 太空竞赛是殊死搏斗的科学对决,美苏两个超级大国不惜花费大量金钱决一胜负。

    The space race was a bruising scientific showdown that saw both global superpowers take a gold .

  26. 我知道他不会放弃而屈服的,他肯定进行了一场殊死搏斗。

    I try confer from the fact that I know he didn 't go down by giving up .

  27. 敌军在人数上占优势,但我们的士兵以殊死决心赢得该战役。

    The enemy troops were superior in numbers but our soldiers showed a do-or-die determination and won the battle .

  28. 女子排球队为赢得世界冠军而不惜一切代价,殊死拼搏。

    The women 's volleyball team put up a desperate fight to win the world championship at all costs .

  29. (古罗马)一个为取悦观众而进行殊死搏斗的专业格斗者或俘虏。

    ( ancient Rome ) a professional combatant or a captive who entertained the public by engaging in mortal combat .

  30. 一万名殊死抵抗的士兵,背海作战,在布纳守住了最后一道防线。

    Ten thousand desperate fighting men , with their backs to the sea , held the final perimeter at Buna .
