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  1. 法律儒家化自汉朝肇其端,到汉末出现了一股逆流。

    Legal Confucianism since the Han Dynasty merged his side , to the Han Dynasty emerged in reflux .

  2. 汉承秦律、汉对秦政批判、法律儒家化等因素,无疑是导致秦律在传世文献中佚失的重要原因。

    The inheritance of Qin Law , the criticism of Qin 's politics , and the Confucianism of law in Han Dynasty are undoubtedly the factors that resulted in the lost of Qin Law in handed-down documents .

  3. 浅谈中国古代法律的儒家化

    Discussion of the legal Confucianist in ancient China

  4. 儒学在意识形态领域的“独尊”地位主要体现在三个方面:教育、选官及法律的儒家化。

    Solely espousing of Confucianism in ideology was reflected in three fields : education , official selection and Confucianization of judicial system .

  5. 引礼入法,使道德法律化,法律儒家化;

    To draw the etiquette into the laws , to make the morality legalized and to make the law confucianized ;

  6. 魏晋南北朝法制在中国古代法律发展史上具有重要的意义,是法律儒家化的重要阶段,是中华法系形成的关键时期。

    In Northern and Southern Dynasties legal in ancient China law history has an important meaning , is an important stage of law Confucianism , is the key period of the Chinese legal system formed .

  7. 史料证明,汉初法律着力维护家庭伦理秩序,把儒家推崇的家庭道德法律化,是后世法律儒家化的开端。

    The historical materials prove that the law at the beginning of Han Dynasty exerts itself on the maintenance of family ethical order , making the family morality canonized by Confucians become the law , thus it starts the aftertime ' Confucianism of law ' .

  8. 本文从立法思想、法律解释、法律内容和司法制度等四个方面对汉朝法律的儒家化进行阐述。

    This paper expatiates the Confucianization of law in the Han Dynasty in four aspects : legislation thought , explanation of the law , the contents of the law , and judiciary .