
  • 网络two kinds of death
  1. 马卡蒂后来陪同皇帝登上第二死星并在恩多之战中勉强得以存活。

    Makati would narrowly survive the Battle of Endor , having been aboard Death Star II with the Emperor .

  2. 得胜的,必不受第二次死的害。

    He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death .

  3. 是的,先生,差不多在五六个月以前,二月份死的。

    Yes , sir , five or six months ago & last February .

  4. 一不怕苦,二不怕死。

    Fear neither hardship nor death .

  5. 就在生存的机会逐渐变小,抽中死签的可能性达到八分之一时,一个叫做勒诺特的上年纪的职员抽中了第二张死签。

    The chances had narrowed to one in eight when the elderly clerk his name was Lenotre drew the second slip .

  6. 我有足够的钱过一辈子,如果我下个星期二就死的话,那是很有可能的事。

    I have enough money for the rest of my life provide I will die on next Tuesday , that is possible .

  7. 我星期三压根就不存在了,我星期二就死了,我怎么可能在我死了之后杀了他?

    I don 't even exist on Wednesday I died myself on Tuesday ? How can I kill him after I 'm dead ?

  8. 帕尔帕廷故意让义军侦察员获得第二颗死星的位置,预见到他们的突击队和舰队会来进攻。

    Palpatine allowed Rebel spies to learn of the location of the second Death Star , and foresaw their strike team and fleet assault .

  9. 爸爸也没觉得他第二天会死

    Dad didn 't think he was gonna die tomorrow either .

  10. 伤得很重,第二天就死了。

    She was very badly hurt and the next day she died .

  11. 这火湖就是第二次的死。

    The lake of fire is the second death .

  12. 我的第二个丈夫死得很惨。

    My second husband had an awful death .

  13. 马福第二天便死在梅尼孟丹街的街垒里。

    Mavot was killed on the following day at the barricade of the Rue Menilmontant .

  14. 玛伦和基连二人也死了,剩下拿俄米,没有丈夫,也没有儿子。

    And Mahlon and Chilion died also both of them ; and the woman was left of her two sons and her husband .

  15. 这火湖就是第二次的死。15若有人名字没记在生命册上,他就被扔在火湖里。

    This is the second death.15 And if anyone was not found having been written in the Book of Life , he was cast into the Lake of Fire .

  16. 他们没看到我,因为我不动如石又静如影,但我听到他们说的话,他们说你找到了私生子拿到了书,还说既然一个首相可以死,为什么第二个不能死?

    They didn 't see me , I was being still as stone and quiet as a shadow , but I heard them . They said you had a book and a bastard and if one Hand could die , why not a second ?

  17. 第二天爹就死了。爹肩膀上的担子就移到我的肩膀上来了。

    The next day he died , and his burdens fell on my shoulders .

  18. 武装抢匪在卡车上开火,二名警卫一死一伤。

    The armed robbers opened fire on the truck , killing one guard and wounding another .

  19. 冉阿让时期的那个“二房东”已经死了,接替她的是个同一类型的家伙。

    The " principal lodger " of Jean Valjean 's day was dead and had been replaced by another exactly like her .

  20. 有些剧可能还迟疑要不要砍掉角色,《西部世界》第二季已经写死了好几个人。

    For a show that 's remained somewhat hesitant to kill off anyone , Westworld ? delivered a brutal season 2 finale that ended the lives of several characters .

  21. 故事中二女儿安娜的死贯穿全文,折射出第二代华裔在两种文化夹缝中对身份问题的困惑与迷茫。

    The death of the second daughter Ona appears many times in the novel which reflects the confusion of the second generation of Chinese American toward their identity in Chinese and American cultures .