
  1. 大鼠心肌IP第二窗对I/R心肌细胞凋亡的影响及对bcl-2、bcl-xl表达的调节

    Effect of ischemic preconditioning on cardiac myocyte apoptosis and the regulation of IP on Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl during myocardial ischemia / reperfusion course in rat

  2. 提出了根据系统压缩倍数的要求及信号的局部平稳性,选择STFT时间窗长度的可变窗长的频域压缩算法,并得到其简化的二窗法频域压缩算法。

    The compression algorithm with varying window length in light of the local stationarity of the Doppler signal and the compression ratio is proposed .

  3. 目的:观察肾脏缺血预处理对缺血/再灌注损伤的第二窗保护作用,探讨诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)的作用机制。

    Aim : To investigate the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase ( iNOS ) in the second window of protection of renal ischemic preconditioning against ischemic / reperfusion in rats .

  4. 结论:缺血预处理对缺血/再灌注损伤有第二窗保护作用,此作用可能与缺血预处理后iNOS活性升高生成的NO有关。

    Conclusion : Rat kidneys can be preconditioned to attenuate delayed ischemic / reperfusion injury and iNOS-NO may be of great importance in the mechanism of the second window of protection .

  5. 目的探讨氧自由基(OFRs)在缺血预处理(IP)对未成熟心肌延迟性保护(第二窗)机制中的作用。

    Objective To investigate the role of oxygen free radicals as the trigger of the delayed myocardial preservation ( the second window of protection SWOP ), by ischemia preconditioning ( IP ) in immature myocardium .

  6. 另外一个阶段是延迟期预适应,它是在最初预刺激损伤出现后的12~72小时内发生的心肌保护现象,被命名为第二窗保护(SWOP)。

    The other is delayed phase which is induced about twelve to seventy - two hours after pretreatment and is called " second window of protection ( SWOP ) " .

  7. 氧自由基在心肌保护第二窗中的作用

    Role of Oxygen Free Radicals in the Second Window of Myocardial Protection

  8. 其第二保护窗,又称延迟相预适应(delayedpreconditioning,DPC),保护作用广,持续时间长,具有更大的临床应用价值。

    The second window of IPC , or delayed preconditioning ( DPC ), has more advantageous protection and longer duration than early preconditioning , therefore DPC may ultimately have greater clinical usage .

  9. 效应的观察最多注意到24h的第二时间窗,更长时间的作用未见报道。

    The acupuncture preconditioning effect observed only was the 24 hours ' as the second time window at most , up to now no literatures about longer time effect observed are reported .

  10. 二进时间窗FFT谐波检测

    Binary scale time windows FFT for harmonic analysis

  11. 本文提出了一种二次加窗LMS自适应时间延迟估计方法,适用于带限平稳白色随机信号的时间延迟估计。

    An LMS adaptive time delay estimation method with two windows is presented .

  12. 二次加窗LMS自适应时间延迟估计

    LMS adaptive time delay estimation with two windows

  13. 二值滑窗检测器的最佳门限及其ROM变换实现

    The Optimal Threshold of two-Value Slipping Window Detector and Its Realization in ROM Conversion

  14. 利用语音信号的短时平稳特性,提出了一种二阶特征窗语音盲分离方法。

    In this paper , a second-order characteristic window approach to blind signal separation based on short-time stationarity of speech signals is proposed .

  15. 本系统综合运用了模糊神经网络技术、减法聚类技术以及作者提出的二值数据窗技术。不仅具有直观、清晰、友好的界面,而且简单、实用,具有在线帮助功能。

    The technique of fuzzy neural network , subtractive clustering and binary data window is used in this system , which has intuitionistic , clear , friendly interface and on-line help system .

  16. 基于矩形窗二叉分解的窗函数设计

    Design of Window Function Based on Bifurcation of Rectangular Window

  17. 在分析其幅频特性的基础上,提出一种基于矩形窗二叉分解的窗设计算法。

    By analyzing its amplitude-frequency property , a novel algorithm to design windows based on bifurcation of rectangular window is proposed .

  18. 采用二叉树建立窗型结构的数据模型,利用闭合轮廓的等距和分割算法,实现门窗结构的交互设计。

    An interactive window-door design method is implemented by applying binary tree to build the structure model and using algorithm of closed profile offsetting and cutting .

  19. 只有科林斯正面的上方遭了殃;二楼的格子窗和屋顶阁楼被大小子弹打得百孔千疮,已慢慢地在变形。

    The top alone of the Corinthe facade suffered ; the window on the first floor , and the attic window in the roof , riddled with buck-shot and biscaiens , were slowly losing their shape .

  20. 中国泸沽湖——一名身穿白衬衫、黑裤子和红腰带的年轻男子突然沿着木屋侧面爬上去,从二层的花格窗跃入房间。

    LUGU LAKE , China - A young man clad in a white shirt , black pants and red belt suddenly scrambled up the side of a log house and slid feet first into a second-story latticed window .