
cán qiū
  • monadnock;torso mountain
残丘[cán qiū]
  1. 将岩溶盆地划分为谷地、台地、残丘、沟槽、浅洼5种三级地貌单元类型,东部发育3个水平岩溶带,第三水平岩溶带距夷平面70~85m。

    This karst basin is divided into 5 types of palaeogeography units : mesa , remnant hillock , karren , groove and shallow depression . Three level leached zones are found , and the third zone is 70-85 m below the karst base level .

  2. 第三类的储集空间为岩溶残丘;

    Space for the third type are karst-remaining hillocks ;

  3. 东部坳陷中的岩溶残丘为岩溶储层发育的次级有利区,存在较大的勘探潜力。

    The monadnock of eastern depression was the second favorable area and bears much exploration potentials .

  4. 指出沿沟谷发育的上倾尖灭砂岩体及断层附近的残丘有利于形成隐蔽圈闭,是该区下一步值得重视的勘探领域。

    It is pointed out that upward pinchout sandstone bodies along valleys and hammocks close to faults are favorable f.

  5. 特短小径预制桩在风化残丘上旧城改造工程中的应用

    The applying of short small precast concrete pile in the engineering of remaking the old city on weathered zone

  6. 划分了4种岩溶地貌:岩溶高地和残丘、岩溶坡地、岩溶谷地和岩溶洼地。

    Division of the four kinds of karst : karst highlands and residual hill , slope , karst valley and karst depressions .

  7. 建立了拱张褶皱型、断裂块断型和风化残丘型三个具有代表性的古潜山地质理论模型。

    Through foregoing research , the paper give three representative buried-hill models in theory which are arched-extension fold , fractured-blocked fault , weathered-remaining hillock .

  8. 川中&川南过渡带古残丘的地震解释及其对香溪群油气藏的控制作用

    The Primary Study and Seismic Interpretation of Paleo-Hammock and Its Control Over the oil and Gas Reservoir of Xiangqi Group in Central Sichuan-South Sichuan Transitional Belt

  9. 高效、高产井主要分布在古岩溶斜坡带的局部高部高点、残丘高部。

    High efficiency , high yield Wells is mainly distributed in the ancient karst slope belt of local high department highs , residual Cupid high department . 5 .

  10. 又根据潜山地层构成、内幕结构特点,将其分为风化壳残丘潜山和内幕残丘潜山两类。

    According to the formation constitutions and inside architectural features , this category is further divided into two types which are crust weathered-remaining buried hill and inside remnant buried hill .

  11. 该区经历了5次大的构造运动,构成了8个构造演化阶段,形成了褶皱山、残丘山与断块山共存的复式褶皱带。

    This area has experienced five tectonic movements which can be divided into eight structural evolutional stages , formed multiply fold-belt that the fold hill coexisted with hammock hill and fault-block hill .

  12. 从大连红黏土被第四系松散层所覆盖的现象出发,分析了大连地区沿海岸附近冰碛残丘的特征与形成过程。

    The characteristic and the formation process of moraine hill in the Dalian area along the coast are analyzed from the phenomenon of the Quaternary incompact layer covering the Dalian red clay .

  13. 在河流溯源侵蚀尚未进入的分水岭上,残丘溶原、峰林盆地中,为岩溶生态良好区,但因不合理的人文开发诱发石漠。

    Human activities are an major factor of the formation of stony desert in the karst pimple plain , and peak forest basin on the water parting , where headward erosion can 't occur .

  14. 深化勘探的首要目标是断层圈闭和地层-构造复合圈闭,次为背斜圈闭,兼及溶蚀岩性圈闭、岩性圈闭和残丘圈闭。

    For the targets of deepening exploration , faulted traps and stratigraphic structural combination traps are the most important , and anticlinal traps , dissolved lithologic traps , lithologic traps and relic dome traps can be subordinated .

  15. 古沟槽两侧气层较发育,岩溶斜坡中的溶丘、岩溶盆地中的残丘地带,主力气层保存完整,是天然气富集的有利区域。

    The ancient groove on both sides has a better gas development , karst dissolving the high slope , karst basin area of the residual high places , main gas reservoirs maintain complete , they are the favorable area for natural gas exploration .