
cán xiào
  • residual effect
残效[cán xiào]
  1. 溴氰菊酯灭蚊残效现场观察

    Field observation on the residual effect of deltamethrin in killing mosquitoes

  2. 磷肥残效及农业系统养分循环再利用中长期试验

    A lono-term field trial on residual effect of phosphorus and on the use of recycled nutrients in a farming system

  3. 甲基异柳磷(Isofenphos-methyl)是一种杀虫谱广,残效期较长的新型杀虫剂。

    Isofenphos-methyl is a new type of insecticides , broad spectrum insecticide , residues longer valid .

  4. 养分循环再利用的作物增产效益在试验的10a中有着逐年增长的趋势,表明以堆肥形式循环回田养分的作物增产作用有着明显的残效叠加效应。

    During the ten years of experiment , the effect of recycled nutrients on crop yields appeared an increasing trend , implying the existence of an accumulative effect from successive application of recycled compost on crop yields .

  5. 结果显示,各试验组药物对猪血虱都有明显的驱杀作用,其中多拉菌素高、中剂量组药物残效期达120d以上。

    The results showed that it was effective in all drug groups , protection period of residue drug both the high and middle level groups after injecting doramectin was up to 120 days .

  6. 两种药剂对该虫第一、二代幼虫防治效果良好,其有效浓度杀灭菊酯为50100ppm,溴氰菊酯为510ppm,残效期至少可达15天。

    The effective concentration of fenvalerate was 50 to 100 ppm and of decamethrin 5 to 10 ppm . The period of the residual effect lasted at least for 15 days .

  7. 拟除虫菊酯浸泡蚊帐对按蚊残效的实验观察

    Experimental observation on residual effect of Anopheles by pyrethroid impregnated bednet

  8. 转基因棉花的蛋白毒性在棉铃虫体内具有一定的残效。

    Toxin of transgenic cotton showed remnant effect on bollworm growth .

  9. 毒杀芬为有机氯杀虫剂的一种,残效期长。

    Toxaphene , an organic chloride insecticide possesses a long residual period .

  10. 用中和剂清除消毒剂残效的方法学探讨

    Methods of eliminating the remaining efficacy of disinfectant by neutralizers

  11. 长残效磺酰脲类除草剂土壤残留危害的综合治理技术研究

    Integrated Control on Residual Damage of Persistent Sulfonylureas in Soil

  12. 啤酒大麦施用磷酸一铵的残效研究

    Residual Effect of Monoammonium phosphate Applied to Malting Barley on Afterreap Crops

  13. 我国长残效除草剂使用概况、问题及对策

    Long Residual Herbicides in China - Current Status , Problems and Solutions

  14. 磷肥在热带土壤中的转化规律及残效

    Transformation and residual effects of phosphate fertilizers in tropical soils

  15. 微生物降解长残效除草剂的研究进展

    Research advances on long residual herbicide degradation by microorganism

  16. 双硫磷的残效测定及其杀蚊幼虫效力的研究

    Studies on the residue determination of abate and its usage in mosquito larva control

  17. 小麦/玉米带田不同用量氮肥残效及回收率

    Residual Effects and Recovery Rate of N Fertilizer in Wheat / Maize Strip Intercropping

  18. 阿特拉津和氯磺隆是两种在世界范围内广泛使用的长残效除草剂。

    Atrazine and chlorsulfuron are two kinds of herbicides used extensively in the world wide .

  19. 作保灵对长残效除草剂的解毒效应

    Detoxification of TNA to Long Residual Herbicide

  20. 黄土高原旱地磷肥残效及利用率研究

    Study on Residual Effect of Phosphorus Fertilizer and Use Efficiency in Dryland of Loess Plateau

  21. S肥类型和S肥用量不同,S残效不同。

    Residual effect of sulphur fertilizer also varied with type and rate of the fertilizer .

  22. 球形芽孢杆菌(Ts&1)在水体中消长动态以及对蚊幼虫的残效

    The fate of Bacillus sphaericus in different waters and its persistent effect on mosquito larvae

  23. 增效醚与溴氰菊酯混配浸泡蚊帐对疟疾媒介按蚊残效的观察

    Residual Effect of Deltamethrin and Piperonyl butoxide ( PBO ) - Impregnated Bednets on Anopheles

  24. 球形芽孢杆菌在蚊幼虫体内繁殖及与残效关系的研究

    The Relationship Between the Reproduction in the Cadaver of Mosquito Larvae and It 's Residual Activity

  25. 稻麦轮作下控释氮肥残效对盆栽小麦的生长效应

    Effects on potted wheat of remnant controlled release nitrogen fertilizer under rotation of rice and wheat

  26. 利用田间试验方法研究保护剂长残效除草剂解毒效应。

    This paper presented the research on detoxification with antidote to long residual herbicides in greenhouse and field test .

  27. 对前茬作物使用的除草剂的残效,有时对下一年的大豆萌发或生长有害。

    Residues from herbicides applied to previous crops can sometimes be detrimental to soybean germination or growth the following year .

  28. 徐淮地区石灰性土壤磷肥残效研究Ⅲ.土壤中肥料残留磷的形态及其生物有效性

    Study on Evaluation of the residual phosphate on calcareous soils in xuzhou-huaiyin District ⅲ . forms and availability of residual phosphorus

  29. 且除草剂与尿素混用有延缓除草剂药效残效期的趋势。

    On the side , the herbicides and urea are mixed could delay trend the residual effects period of herbicides more than 50 days .

  30. 而且农达对环境安全,在土壤中无残效作用,不影响下茬作物生长。

    And Roundup is safe to environmental , and has no residual effect in soil function , so it does not affect the next crop .