
  • 网络Sports for people with disabilities;Adapted Physical Education;Adapted PE
  1. 我国城市残疾人体育生活方式调查

    Investigation of physical training style of city disabled people in China

  2. 高校社团志愿者参与残疾人体育服务的组织与建构

    Research on College Volunteers ' Participation in Service of Handicapped Sports

  3. 阳光体育语境下残疾人体育教学与人文关怀的融合

    The Fusion of Sports Teaching of the Disabled and Humanistic Care

  4. 日本残疾人体育活动动向初探

    A study of motivation of sports for the disabled in Japan

  5. 刍议残疾人体育的目的与任务

    The purpose and task of physical education for disabled people

  6. 残疾人体育学简介

    Physical Education and Sports for the Handicapped : A Briefing

  7. 残疾人体育事业也必将得到更广阔的发展空间。

    The handicapped sports cause will also have broad development .

  8. 甘肃省残疾人体育活动的制约因素与发展对策

    The restrictive factors of sports of the disabled in Gansu and countermeasures

  9. 残疾人体育和娱乐活动协助方案

    Programme of Assistance for Sport and Recreation for Disabled People

  10. 虽然残疾人体育有诸多的功能,但是其发展状况却是令人堪忧。

    Though disabled sports have many functions , but its development is worrying .

  11. 和谐理念下的残疾人体育的价值定位

    The Value Proposition of the Sports for the Disabled Based on Harmonious Idea

  12. 全国性的残疾人体育比赛于五十年代后期开始举办。

    Nationwide handicapped sports games began to be held in the late 1950 's.

  13. 论新时期加速发展我国残疾人体育事业

    On Developing Sports of Handicapped More Quickly in China during the New Epoch

  14. 此后,各地纷纷成立残疾人体育组织。

    After this a succession of handicapped sports organizations were established throughout China .

  15. 下一步该如何发展智力残疾人体育活动?

    How to develop their sports activities next ?

  16. 残疾人体育运动国际联合会

    International Sports Federation for Persons with Mental Handicap

  17. 残疾人体育事业逐步成长。

    The handicapped sports cause has gradually grown .

  18. 后奥运时期我国残疾人体育的发展走向&由竞技性向群众性的转变

    On Transformation of disabled sports in the post-Olympic era & from competitiveness to mass

  19. 对残疾人体育消费满意度的调查显示,不满意的比例较高。

    The survey to the disabled sports consumption satisfaction showed a higher proportion of unsatisfactory .

  20. 残疾人体育是残疾人事业和全民体育的组成部分。

    Cause of the handicapped and disabled sports are an integral part of national sports .

  21. 中国残疾人体育事业方兴未艾

    China 's handicapped sports cause is rising

  22. 发展残疾人体育事业,推动社会文明全面进步

    A Symbol of Social Civilization : An Overall Building of the PE . Cause for the Disabled

  23. 国家每年都拨专款用于开展残疾人体育活动。

    Every year , the nation allocates special funds to be used in developing handicapped sports activities .

  24. 中国残疾人体育协会

    China Disabled Persons Sports Association

  25. 在此大环境之下,我国残疾人体育由竞技性向群众性的转变势在必行。

    It is necessary to transform the disabled sports from competitiveness to mass under this kind of environment .

  26. 残疾人体育,是当今世界大众体育潮流中不可忽视的一个分支。

    The disabled person sports , is now in the world populace sports tidal current a noticeable branch .

  27. 国际残疾人体育基金

    International Fund Sports Disabled

  28. 残疾人体育学是体育科学中正在迅速形成和发展起来的一门新兴学科。

    As a new subject in sports sciences , Physical Education and Sports for the Handicapped is developing rapidly .

  29. 关注民生视域下我国残疾人体育生活的现状与发展

    Status Quo and Development of Sports Life for Chinese Invalids in the Context of Caring about People 's Life

  30. 肢体残疾人体育人口比例明显低于其他残疾类别的残疾人。

    The sports population of limb cripples is obviously less than that of the other sorts of the disabled .