
  1. 总之,中国正迅速抹去遭到殖民征服的记忆对一个曾习惯于认为自己是文明中心的民族来说,那是一段噩梦般的经历。

    China , in short , is well on the way to erasing the memories of colonial subjugation that have haunted a nation once accustomed to thinking of itself as the centre of civilisation .

  2. 弗朗西斯科.皮札罗是西班牙殖民先锋,征服秘鲁时,摧毁了印加帝国。

    Francisco Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador who destroyed the Inca Empire in the course of his conquest of Peru .

  3. 但是turkey一词来源是一种地理上的大杂烩&是对殖民地贸易和征服的异想天开的献礼。

    But turkey the word is a geographic mess & a tribute to the vagaries of colonial trade and conquest .

  4. 但是“turkey”一词来源是一种地理上的大杂烩——是对殖民地贸易和征服的异想天开的献礼。

    But " turkey " the word is a geographic mess - a tribute to the vagaries of colonial trade and conquest .