
  • 网络Individuality;Principium individuations
  1. 再次是在加强现实主义创作中个性原则中的价值。

    Third value is to strengthen individuality in the creation of realism .

  2. 自由个性原则、完整性原则、可持续发展原则为高校课程体系构建的三原则。

    Free personality , entire fulfilment , and sustainable development are its constructing principles .

  3. 景观个性原则;

    The principle of landscape personality ;

  4. 大凡在某种预言的魔力打破了现在与未来的界限,破坏了顽强的个性原则,

    we may conclude that wherever soothsaying and magical powers have broken the spell of present and future , the rigid law of individuation ,

  5. 但是,在另一方面,显然建国之神阿波罗也是个性原则之神,若不肯定个人性格,也就不可能有国家观念和乡土观念。

    Just as certainly , Apollo who forms states is also the genius of the principium individuationis , and state and patriotism cannot live without an affirmation of the individual personality .

  6. 人工膝关节置换选择中既要理解它的共性原则,更要把握它的个性原则,才能达到人工与自然的协调;

    We must know not only the common principles but also the individual principals in the choices of total knee prosthesis replacements in order to reach the harmony between people and nature .

  7. 就这点来说,埃斯库罗斯的普罗密修斯乃是酒神的伪装,同时,就上述的正义感而言,明眼人不难看出诗人业已泄漏了普罗密修斯的家世:他是个性原则之神和正义界限之神阿波罗的后裔。

    In this respect the Aeschylean Prometheus appears as a Dionysian mask , while in his deep hunger for justice Aeschylus reveals his paternal descent from Apollo , god of individuation and just boundaries .

  8. 它主要表现为编辑主体的选择自觉提前出现,在专业分工和个性原则的支配下,积极主动地实施编辑计划,更好地达到预期目标。

    It shows mainly that the editorial subject should possess foresight choice and carry out the editorial plan actively according to the professional division and individual principle so as to attain a desired objective .

  9. 然而,梦神再度以个性原则之化身的姿态出现在我们面前。唯有这样,才能完全达到太一的终极目的,它通过假象而得救了。

    But Apollo appears to us once again as the apotheosis of the principium individuationis , in whom the eternal goal of the original Oneness , namely its redemption through illusion , accomplishes itself .

  10. 于是,在静观自得中,他安坐在这慈航,渡过苦海。这种个性原则的崇拜,作为一般强制的道德律来说,只有一条规律——个性规律,也就是说,守住个人的范围,亦即希腊人所谓适度。

    If this apotheosis of individuation is to be read in normative terms , we may infer that there is one norm only : the individual -- or , more precisely , the observance of the limits of the individual : sophrosune .

  11. 它有共性原则和特殊环境下的个性原则,体现了中央苏区学校德育的科学性和灵活性。它是中央苏区学校德育取得成功的保障。

    It has general ones and special ones in exceptional circumstances , which embodies science and flexibility of the school teaching of morality in the Central Soviet Area . It is the protection for the success of the school teaching of morality in the Central Soviet .

  12. 因为唯有依据个人毁灭的特殊事例,我们才能明白醉境艺术的永恒现象,这种艺术表现了那仿佛隐藏在个性原则后面的万能的意志,那在现象彼岸的历万劫而长存的永生。

    For it is only in particular examples of such annihilation that we are clearly the eternal phenomenon of Dionysian art , which gives expression to the will in its omnipotence , as it were , behind the principium individuationis , the eternal life beyond all phenomena , and despite all annihilation .

  13. 论企业礼仪工作的个性与原则

    On the Principles and Character of the Etiquette in Enterprise

  14. 个性教育原则论

    The Principles on Individuality Education

  15. 我们由此得出的结论是:名词指称原则和焦点参与者原则是汉语参与者标识链的个性制约原则。

    We may then conclude that the Nominal Reference Principle and the Participant Focus Principle are specific principles that Chinese participant identification chains follow .

  16. “价值观的执行天条”,导致了企业管理实践的个性行为原则的总结、提升。

    " the performance of the value day ", caused the business enterprise manage fulfillment of the summary of sexual behavior principle , promote .

  17. 借鉴国内、外优秀的设计理论和方法,制定出城市标志设计的基本原则:个性的原则;

    By using for reference of native and overseas theories and methods , we can work out the basic principles as follows : individuality principle ;

  18. 散文教学要遵循的原则是学生学的自主性原则,教师教的主导性原则,教学的目的性原则和体现散文文本个性的原则。

    The principle followed by prose teaching contains the autonomous principle of students in studying and teacher-leading principle for teachers in teaching , purposeful principle of teaching and the principle reflecting the personality of prose text .

  19. 口语审美化教学应该遵循主体性原则、语言美和心灵美统一的原则、情感性原则、个性特征原则、直觉思维原则和综合性原则。

    The esthetical teaching of spoken language should follow the subjectivity principle , the consistent principle of beautiful language and the beautiful soul , the emotional principle , the individuality principle , the intuition principle , as well as the comprehensive principle .

  20. 城市广场规划设计的基本原则是:以人为本原则、把握城市空间体系分布系统原则、绿化比例控制原则、可持续发展原则、突出个性创造原则、重视公众参与的社会原则。

    The basic principles of urban square 's plan design : humanism , systematic principle of holding urban space system 's promulgating , controling the plants area , sustained development , stressing character creating and social principle of paying more attention to the public participating .

  21. 通过讨论和总结运动鞋情感设计的内涵与设计原则,得出了流行情感体现原则、品牌情感界定原则、个性表现原则、以人为本原则以及可持续性原则。

    Through discussion and summing up the design of sports shoes emotional content and design principles , come to embody the principle of popular sentiment , brands defined the principles of emotion , the performance of the principle of personality , people-oriented principle and the principle of sustainability .

  22. 论学报编辑主体的审美个性与审美原则

    Aesthetic Personality and Principle of Editorial Subject of Journal

  23. 在科学发展观的指导下,坚持以人为本、可持续发展、优势定位、个性策划等原则,从而构建学术期刊的品牌路径。

    Guided by the scientific development values , brand of academic periodicals should be constructed on such principles as humanism , sustainable development , superiority orientation and characteristic planning .

  24. 结合城市住区环境美的结构分析,论述了城市住区环境美创造的个性特征与基本原则。

    It also lays bare the specific features and basic principles of beauty creation of urban dwellings environment by means of analyzing the beauty structure of urban dwellings environment .

  25. 本文通过分析研究,对体系系统整合的可行性做了详细阐述,并确定了共性相容、个性互补的整合原则。

    This paper analyzes the research on the feasibility of an integrated system of systems described in detail and identified the " common compatibility , personality complementary " integration principles .