
ɡè rén xiànɡ mù
  • Personal project;individual events;individual items
  1. 她所在的美国队上周获得女子体操团体银牌,此前她因心理健康问题退出了几个个人项目,因而备受关注。

    The American star , who won a team silver medal last week , has been in the spotlight after withdrawing from several individual events , citing mental health challenges .

  2. 跳伞运动也称skydiving。国际比赛包括3项个人项目和1项至两项集体项目。

    Parachute jumping is also known as skydiving . International meets generally include three individual events and one or two team events .

  3. 德国的赫伯特·布洛克尔是年纪最大的选手之一,赢得了个人项目的银牌。

    Herbert Blocker of Germany , one of the oldest competitors , won the individual silver medal .

  4. 他会尽力忘掉自己没能在个人项目上夺牌的痛苦。

    He will attempt to put behind him the misery of failing to win a medal in his individual event .

  5. Linux快速从一个个人项目进化成为一个全球数千人参与的开发项目。

    Linux quickly evolved from a single-person project to a world-wide development project involving thousands of developers .

  6. 在小型个人项目中应用RUP和UML

    Using RUP and UML in personal item

  7. 本文以开发一个抽奖程序为例,描述了如何在小型个人项目中应用RUP和UML。

    This paper gives a sample of how to use RUP and UML in personal item by developing " lottery system " .

  8. 本周一,印度迎来了本国历史(History)上首枚个人项目(program)奥运金牌,举国民众不敢相信,却为之欢欣鼓舞&同一时间也为打破板球运动独霸印度的局面带来一线希望(hope)。

    India 's first ever individual Olympic gold medal won on Monday was greeted at home with disbelief and joy & as well as renewed hope the country could break with its total obsession with cricket .

  9. 2002年5A杯全国艺术体操冠军赛个人项目完成情况统计与分析

    Statistics and Analysis on the Rhythmic Gymnastics Individual Event Match in the " 5A Cup " Championship in 2002

  10. 他把自己的个人项目称为“一个简单的AI”,涉及采用一台现成系统,然后教会它听懂他的语音,以便“控制我们家中的一切——音乐、灯光、温度等等”。

    He described his personal project as " a simple AI , " taking an off-the-shelf system and teaching it to recognise his voice to " control everything in our home - music , lights , temperature and so on . "

  11. 艺术体操个人项目难度发展趋势

    The Trend of Difficulty Degrees of Individual Events in Rhythmic Gymnastics

  12. 在巴黎的西印度群岛人聚集的社区里,他创办了一个个人项目。

    He begins a personal project , within the West-Indian community of paris .

  13. 项目方案,它适用于建模团队中的个人项目。

    Project scenarios , which apply to individual projects within the modeling teams .

  14. 论艺术体操个人项目的编排程序

    The Editing Process of Individual Items of Rhythmic Gymnastics

  15. 您无需离开环境就可以轻松管理个人项目和团队项目。

    Without leaving the environment , you can manage your individual and team projects easily .

  16. 因为没有框架,个人项目可以随便变更属性。

    Because there is no schema , individual items are free to vary their attributes .

  17. 我国艺术体操个人项目运动员转体类身体难度动作训练途径研究

    Enhance the country 's artistic gymnastics individual athletes physical difficulty of twist-type training means action research

  18. 美国的迈克尔·菲尔普斯仍然以15枚个人项目金牌领跑。

    The USA 's Michael Phelps still leads the table with 15 golds from individual events .

  19. 这一学制被普遍认为增加了安排课程、实习和个人项目上的灵活性。

    This system is believed to bring more flexibility when scheduling classes , internships and personal projects .

  20. 中韩女子短道速滑个人项目战术的比较与分析

    The Comparison and Analysis on Tactics of China and South Korea in the Individual Women 's Short-Track

  21. 在个人项目中,一套动作的作表演长度为60秒至90秒。

    In the individual event , a competition performs one routine , 60 to 90 seconds in length .

  22. 即便参加完全个人项目的选手都是错综复杂的人际关系网的组成部分。

    Even an athlete in the most individual of sports is part of a complex network of relationships .

  23. 在个人项目代表队当中还可包含如参加田径或游泳接力赛、自行车计时赛的代表队;团体项目包括足球、曲棍球等。

    Examples of teams in individual sports include relay'teams'in athletics and swimming , time trial teams in cycling , etc.

  24. 我国艺术体操个人项目与世界强队优秀运动员间长期存在差距,成绩徘徊不前。

    There is a long-term gap between individual project of our artistic gymnastics and good athletes of world teams .

  25. 关于这个项目的更多信息,请至首页点击“个人项目”。

    For more information about the program , go to the main page and click on Private Sector Programs .

  26. 迈克尔·菲尔普斯在最后一场个人项目比赛中没有拿到金牌,但他标志性的微笑并没有因此而黯淡。

    Michael Phelps ' last individual event wasn 't a golden one , but his signature smile did not fade .

  27. 最后,结合个人项目经历对项目中的协同管理进行了分析。

    At the end of the dissertation , it analyzes the collaborative management combined with the real project of the author .

  28. 五天的课程中,通过每日的“回顾及编辑”时段,学员们都将会在各自的小组中完成各自的个人项目。

    Participants will produce individual projects over the course of five days with daily review and editing sessions within their groups .

  29. 上海市老年人项目选择上趋同性较强,女性老年人偏好舒缓性的群体性练习项目,男性老年人偏爱个人项目。

    The choice of sports had the convergence , female liked the relax and colony sports , male liked individual sports .

  30. 我已经有一个拉丝金属的形象从一个个人项目,从年前保存的,所以我重新使用它。

    I already had a brushed metal image saved from a personal project from years ago , so I reused it .