
  • 网络Individual ownership;individual property
  1. 马克思个人所有制理论对我国所有制改革的启示

    Revelation of Marxian individual property theory to the property reformation of China

  2. 马克思“重建劳动者个人所有制”思想探析

    Probing into marx 's thought about " rebuilding individual property of laborer "

  3. 劳动力个人所有制:社会主义的一个本质规定

    Individual Ownership of Labor Force : an Essential Characteristic for Socialism

  4. 马克思“重建个人所有制”解析

    How to Interpret Marx 's " Reestablish Individual Ownership "

  5. 揭开马克思之谜的一把钥匙&也谈重新建立个人所有制

    A Key to Marx 's Riddle & Also on Rebuilding Individual Ownership

  6. 马克思个人所有制的实现形式&股份制

    Share-holding System & the Implementing Form of Marxist " Individual Ownership "

  7. 论个人所有制与人的全面自由发展

    On Personal Property and People 's All - round and Free Development

  8. 重建个人所有制才能实现人的全面发展

    " Rebuiding Personal Ownership " for Man 'S Overall Development

  9. 试论马克思重建个人所有制的精神实质

    On the Spiritual Essence of Marx 's Reconstructing Private Ownership

  10. 重新建立个人所有制的当代解读

    The Contemporary Interpretation of " Reestablishing Personal Ownership "

  11. 马克思重建个人所有制论断与我国公有制多种实现形式探讨

    Marx 's Theory about Rebuilding Individual Ownership and Realizable Forms of Public Ownership

  12. 对重建个人所有制不同解释的评析

    Comment on Different Interpretations of Reconstruction of Individual Ownership

  13. 美国经济的组织方式是个人所有制,合伙制和公司制。

    The American economy is organized in single-owner businesses , partnerships and corporations .

  14. 他们自己实施的个人所有制。

    Individuals taking ownership of their own enablement .

  15. 马克思要在社会主义社会重建何种个人所有制

    What Kind of " Individual Ownership " Does Marx Want to Reestablish in Socialist Society

  16. 建立劳动者个人所有制,是国企改革的目标之一。

    Establishing individual ownership of labourers is one of goals of state enterprises ' reform .

  17. 个人所有制及其实现条件

    Personal Ownership and Its Conditions of Realization

  18. 民营经济发展与重新建立个人所有制

    Private economy development and reestablishing personal ownership

  19. 农村股份合作制:马克思重建个人所有制思想的初步实践

    Stock-Cooperation System in Countryside : the Application of Marx 's Theory of " Rebuilding Personal Ownership "

  20. 在《资本论》中,马克思在以往探索的基础上,提出了重新建立个人所有制的思想。

    In the " Das Kapital ", Marx submitted on the " reestablishing personal ownership " further .

  21. 因此,改革现行的所有制结构,重新建个人所有制便成为社会主义所有制发展的方向。

    Reforming state ownership and " Reestablishing personal ownership " is the direction of development for socialist ownership .

  22. 劳动者个人所有制的精髓,不是所谓直接结合,而是控制权问题。

    The essence of the individual ownership of laborers is the right of controlling rather than " direct combination " .

  23. 巴黎公社是马克思的重建个人所有制的社会雏形。

    The Paris Commune is the social rudiments to practice Marx 's theory of " rebuilding the individual ownership " .

  24. 马克思所讲的个人所有制是以个人为主体的公有制。

    Marxist system of individual ownership is a public system that takes every personal being as the subject of this system .

  25. 重建个人所有制中的个人并不是孤立的、单个的自然人;

    In rebuilding individual s possession system , individual s here does not refer to an isolated , single natural person ;

  26. 它们的实践结果都是将个体整合于集体。对重新建立个人所有制的辨析

    The result of the fulfillment of the two systems is that the individual integrates into the collective . On Individual Ownership

  27. 而在目前市场经济条件下,要重新建立个人所有制,必须真正让劳动者享有所有权。

    To reconstruct personal ownership in current market economy , it is a must to let workers really enjoy the ownership .

  28. 马克思多次提到过个人所有制,都不是指生产资料个人所有制。

    Marx mentions many times that the property of individuals does not refer to the individual property of the means of production .

  29. 马克思关于自由人联合体和重建个人所有制的设想是马克思人力产权的实现形式。

    And , Marx 's free individual combo and restructuring individual ownership is the realization form of his human force property right .

  30. 摘要“重新建立个人所有制”是马克思恩格斯关于未来社会所有制一贯的较为成熟的思想。

    " Reestablishing personal ownership " had consistently been a mature conception by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels of ownership in the future society .