
  • 网络ball game;dodgeball
  1. 譬如,他画了许多印弟安人玩球游戏的画。

    For example , he painted many pictures of Indians playing a ball game .

  2. 游戏介绍:小蓝和小红两只熊熊在玩弹珠球游戏,想和他们一起玩吗?快来吧。

    The game introduce : Two small blue and small red flaming Be playing the playing marble ball game , wanting to play with them together ? Come quickly .

  3. 在乒乓球游戏中,打者轮流发球。

    In ping-pong , you take turns serving the ball .

  4. 我喜欢玩躲避球游戏,非常喜欢听音乐。

    I like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much .

  5. 我想在课间休息时玩躲球游戏,在美术课上画水彩画。

    I want to play dodge ball at recess and paint with watercolors in art .

  6. 一种新颖的电子乒乓球游戏

    A novel electronic ping-pong game

  7. 我记得的有,拼字游戏,躲避球游戏,网球棒球,踢球,还有拳击游戏。

    Some games I remembered we played were : Scramble , Dodge ball , Tennis baseball , Kickball , and Knockout .

  8. 设计一款乒乓球游戏能让大家更方便快捷的感受到国球的魅力。

    To design a game of the table tennis would be more convenient for people'enjoying the charm of the table tennis .

  9. 奥巴马和美国“第一狗”――波,在白宫的玫瑰花园玩丢球游戏。

    President Barack Obama throws a ball for Bo , the family dog , in the Rose Garden of the White House .

  10. 分析人士指出,越来越独立的国有石油巨头正在跟政府玩一场事关重大的擦边球游戏。为了追逐高利润,它们把精炼产品用于出口,没有拿来供应国内市场。

    Analysts say the increasingly independent state oil giants are playing a high-stakes bluffing game with the government in which they chase profits by exporting refined products instead of supplying the domestic market .

  11. 另类仓鼠球游戏介绍:让波波到达终点,期间不能掉下去,否则会减时间,看你能过到第几关!

    Alternative : Let hamster ball game on the ball reached the destination , t during the fall , otherwise they will be reduced , You will be able to see the first few relevant !

  12. 基于FPGA乒乓球比赛游戏机的设计

    Design of Table Tennis Game Player Based on FPGA

  13. 今年早些时候,两人的一张照片出现在新闻网站Gawker和《赫芬顿邮报》(HuffingtonPost)上,拍摄场合似乎是哥伦比亚唱片公司(ColumbiaRecords)总部的一场“boozepong”(扔乒乓球喝酒游戏,又称beerpong)活动。

    Earlier this year , a photo of the two men , taken during what appeared to have been a booze-pong party at Columbia Records headquarters , found its way onto Gawker and the Huffington Post .

  14. 然后,他们玩起了名为cyperball的电脑球投游戏。

    They then played a computerized ball-tossing game called Cyperball .

  15. 棒球起源于板球以及一种被称做弧形球的游戏。

    Baseball originated from cricket and an old English game called rounders .

  16. 保龄球是一项沿木制球道滚动一个重球的游戏。

    Bowling is a game played by rolling a heavy ball down a wooden lane .

  17. 如果连进10球,游戏会变得略难一些。

    If you manage to hit 10 consecutive baskets , the game gets a little harder ...

  18. 把生活想象成一个在空中抛接五只球的游戏。

    Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air .

  19. 主任和学生们停下脚步看了一会儿“汪汪狗患离心球”游戏。

    The Director and his students stood for a short time watching a game of Centrifugal Bumble-puppy .

  20. 把生活想象成一个在空中抛接五只球的游戏。这五只球被你分别称为:工作、家庭、健康、友谊和精神。

    Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air . You name them : Work , Family , Health , Friends , Spirit .

  21. 一个弹力球的小游戏,是基于FLASH按钮技术制作的一个FLASH程序。

    A small stretch of the ball game is based on FLASH button technology produced a FLASH procedures .

  22. 我们3个有时候在训练前玩“两脚球”的游戏:如果你碰了3次球就算输。

    The three of us sometimes play a game of'two touch'before training : if you touch the ball three times you lose .

  23. 我们有理发室、洗衣房、小卖部、邮电服务、报刊供应柜、弹子房、乒乓球和电子游戏。

    We have a barber shop , a laundry , a store , post and telegram services , a newspaper stand , a billiard , table tennis , video games and so on .

  24. 沃利金斯基说,各国运动员之间经常打乒乓球,或者打游戏机。

    Often , he says , they are playing ping-pong or video games .

  25. 感染者:这家伙看上去就像一个球,但是在游戏中非常有“虫感”。

    The Infestor looks like a blob in the screenshots , but seems to fit the race in actual gameplay .

  26. 写着八号的黑色弹子球;在某些弹子球游戏中是最后一个要进的。

    A black pool ball bearing the number 8 ; should be the last to go in certain pool games .