
  • 网络foam;Foam extinguishing agent;AFFF;AR-AFFF
  1. 水成膜泡沫灭火剂标准GB17427&1998的研究

    Discussion on the standard of aqueous film - forming foam extinguishing agent GB 17427 & 1998

  2. 结果表明,剩余污泥水解液属于空气泡沫灭火剂,其灭火指标达到了国家标准(GA219&1999)。

    Hydrolysis protein of excess sludge can be used for preparing foam extinguishing agent , and its extinguishing parameters can reach the national standard ( GA 219-1999 ) .

  3. 全氟化合物(PFCs)作为表面活性剂、防污剂、添加剂、泡沫灭火剂、高分子乳化剂和杀虫剂,其生产和使用已经超过五十年。

    Perfluorinated compounds ( PFCs ) were produced and consumed as surfactants , repellents , additives , fire-fighting foams , polymer emulsifiers and insecticides for more than fifty years .

  4. 利用剩余污泥制备泡沫灭火剂的试验研究

    Study on Preparation of Foam Extinguishing Agent Using Excess Sludge

  5. 低倍数蛋白泡沫灭火剂生产废水处理的研究

    Study on treatment of wastewater from low expansion proteinaceous foam extinguishing agent production

  6. 蛋白泡沫灭火剂的制备研究

    Study on Preparation of protein foam fire extinguishing agent

  7. 燃料对泡沫灭火剂灭火性能评价的影响

    The influence of the fuel on the evaluation of fire extinguishing performance of the foam agent

  8. 本文笔者通过多年从事泡沫灭火剂研究及标准制订工作的实践,提出了泡沫灭火剂标准制订应遵循的六项原则。

    The author has done some probing experiments on the suppression of vehicle-using ethanol gasoline fire by foam agent .

  9. 不过,报导也显示,在消防人员用泡沫灭火剂扑灭大火前,其它车辆仍在继续从燃烧的车辆附近驶过。

    Still , traffic continued to move around the burning vehicle before firefighters doused it with foam , the reports showed .

  10. 生化灭火剂研究Ⅲ.毛类原料生产蛋白泡沫灭火剂中试结果

    Study of the Biochemical Fire Extinguishing Agent ⅲ . The Result of Middle Test in Producing Fire Extinguishing Agent of Protein Foam with Woolen Fabric

  11. 有关氟调聚物:氟调聚物产品是一系列化合物,以其独特性质而作为泡沫灭火剂和涂料生产的成份。

    About fluorotelomers : fluorotelomer derivatives are a family of compounds used as ingredients in making firefighting foams and coatings because of their unique properties .

  12. 为达到快速有效防灭火的目的,新集二矿新近引进了中国矿业大学研发生产的新型防火材料&三相泡沫灭火剂,并收到了很好地效果。

    The article has introduced a new fire extinguishing material developed by China University of Mining & Technology , which has been proved to achieve rapid fire extinguishing in No.

  13. 我国泡沫灭火剂面临的挑战和机遇&试评我国市售泡沫灭火剂灭含氧燃料汽油火的形势

    Challenge and chance for the foam agent in China & Discussion on the situation of using the foam agent in Chinese market to put out oxygen-containing fuel gasoline fire

  14. 本文从碳氟表面活性剂与水成膜泡沫灭火剂的关系出发,分析了我国水成膜泡沫灭火剂未能大量推广使用的主要原因。

    The reason of aqueous film forming foam ( AFFF ) having not been used widely in China was discussed , based on the relationship between AFFF and fluorocarbon surfactants .

  15. 分析了武汉市污水处理现状、剩余污泥的产量与处理技术概况,介绍了制备蛋白质泡沫灭火剂技术再利用剩余污泥的可行性。

    This paper briefly analysed the present status oi wastewater treatment , production of residual sludge and disposal technology . The feasibility of making protein foam extinguishing agent by residual sludge recycling was also introduced .

  16. 文章论述了中国入世以后,泡沫灭火剂生产厂家面临的机遇与挑战,并提出了应对之策。

    The paper discusses the opportunity and challenge of the manufacturers of foam fire extinguishing agent after the entrance to WTO of China , and it suggests some countermeasures for the manufacturers from different aspects .