
  1. 旅游者人数变动的统计预测分析

    The statistics , forecast and analysis of Tourists amount mobility

  2. 新加坡报告说,旅游者人数比去年降低了30%以上。

    Singapore reports arrivals down more than 30 percent from a year ago .

  3. 旅游者人数也出现了回升。

    Tourist numbers are also going up again .

  4. 其驱动要素主要包括入境旅游者人数、旅游外汇收入、入境旅游者花费、停留天数等,这些要素之间彼此影响、相互联系。(2)城市目的地响应系统的核心是供给侧研究。

    The elements include inbound tourist arrivals , international tourism receipts , inbound tourists expenditures and stay of length . All these elements affect each other and interrelated . ( 2 ) The core of urban destination response system is the supply side study .

  5. 澳大利亚官员表示,由于全球经济减缓,今年申请到澳大利亚临时工作的外国旅游者的人数出现上升。

    Officials in Australia say more young foreigners looking to escape recession in other parts of the world could be heading for the country this year on working holidays .

  6. 然而,旅游者的人数总是有限,因为他们仅仅是少数享有特权的人:有钱的人、有空闲时间的人、有一技之长的人和有冒险精神的人。

    However , the number of travelers was always limited , for they were only a privileged minority : the rich , the free , the talented , and the adventurous ( 2 ) .

  7. 许多亚洲旅游市场的旅游者人数仍在减少。

    Many Asia tourism markets continue to see dramatic declines in traveler numbers .

  8. 经过二十多年的发展,到2001年,我国旅游外汇收入和接待海外旅游者人数在全球旅游业的排行榜上均已位居第五。

    Through twenty years development , we have made the Tourism income and the number of receiving oversea tourists the fifth place by 2010 . While we made such big progress , there comes many problems .

  9. 20世纪90年代以来,上海入境旅游业获得了飞速发展,2001年上海入境旅游者人数首次突破200万人次,上海入境旅游业步入了新的发展阶段。

    Since 1990 's , the inbound tourism has been developed rapidly in Shanghai . In 2001 , the number of tourists to Shanghai from abroad topped about 2 million for the first time , which means the inbound tourism in Shanghai has stepped into a new stage .

  10. 在泰国,外国旅游者贡献了约6%的国内生产总值。今年,旅游者人数预计会减少到1200万,而不是之前预测的1400万。

    In Thailand , where foreign tourists contribute about six percent of gross domestic product , the number of arrivals is expected to drop to 12 million this year , instead of the 14 million originally expected .

  11. 2005年,世界旅游在上年快速发展基础上保持了持续的增长,全球接待国际旅游者人数达到8.08亿人次,旅游总需求达到62015亿美元,旅游经济增加值达到47457亿美元。

    In 2005 , global tourism kept a sustainable development on the basis of rapid development in 2004.The number of international tourists was up to 8.08 hundred million , the total tourist demand US $ 62015 hundred million and the added value of tourist finance US $ 47457 hundred million .

  12. 传统村镇旅游发展存在着旅游过程生活化与村镇设施功能实用性、景区面积有限性与旅游者人数增长、传统村镇景区面积局限性与旅游者人数增长等之间的矛盾。

    Traditional villages and towns have several contradictions in the process of their tourism development and planning .