
  • 网络OFF SEASON;off-season;low season;slack season
  1. 我们喜欢在旅游淡季到那里去。

    We like to go there in the off season .

  2. 我喜欢在旅游淡季去海滨,独自一人在沙滩上。

    I like to go to the coast in the off season and have the beach to myself .

  3. 到旅游淡季,价格会降到315英镑。

    Prices drop to £ 315 in the low season .

  4. 哈尔滨市太阳岛风景区旅游淡季应对措施

    Response measures to travel off-season of Sun Island scenic spot in Harbin

  5. 旅游淡季时,横渡英吉利海峡的渡船费比较便宜。

    The cross-Channel ferries are cheaper out of season .

  6. 飞机票价在旅游淡季较便宜。

    Airfares is cheaper in the low season .

  7. 旅游淡季的票价便宜得多。

    Off-season tickets are a lot cheaper .

  8. 我们常在旅游淡季去那儿,那时候比较清静。

    We 've often been up there out of season , and it 's much quieter .

  9. 由于现在是旅游淡季,所以价格很便宜,3个晚上每人只需144欧元。

    Because of the off-season for traveling now , the price is very cheap , 3 days only need 144 euro per person .

  10. 油价高居不下,再加上第四季度一直是国内的旅游淡季,航空公司下半年的收益将受到严重影响。

    High oil prices and the impact of a traditionally slow season for travel in the fourth quarter will hurt airlines'profitability in the second half of the year , they said .

  11. 冬天是本地旅游的淡季。

    Winter is the slack season in the local tourism industry .

  12. 我有时候去旅游。在淡季的时候去旅游没有那么挤,而且许多旅馆也很便宜。

    I 've also traveled a bit , you know , off season when everywhere is less crowded and hotels cost less .

  13. 你需要花多长时间来准备:各个季节都要找时间去你选择的退休目的地参观旅游,包括淡季。

    How long you need to prepare : Make time tovisit your chosen retirement destination extensively throughout the year , including the quiet months .

  14. 因此,大力开发林地、水面,改善旅游环境,搞好淡季促销,是东湖风景区调整旅游环境容量,实施可持续发展战略的基本措施。

    So , the basic measures for sustainable development in the scenic spot are to develop water areas and forests , to improve tourism environment and to attract tourists in winter .

  15. 据现有洪湖游客数据统计分析来看,其旅游环境承载率表现为全年平均弱载,旅游淡季严重弱载,旅游旺季适载,旅游高峰日有超载现象。

    According to statistical analysis of existing the Honghu tourist data , the performance of its tourism environmental loading ratio annual average weak contained low season for tourism is a serious underload , the tourist season fitness load , the peak tourist overload .