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  • kill
  • 杀死:雷~(突遭雷击致死)。

  1. 一名行山人士在屯门遭受雷殛。

    A hiker was killed by lightning in Tuen mun .

  2. 这些局限性已成为制约教育行业发展殛待解决的问题之一。

    These limitations have restricted the development of education sector bearing in mind that one of the problems to be solved .

  3. 所述的灭蚊装置包括一诱捕灯座、一电殛栏和一外栏,通过诱捕灯座发光引吸蚊子接近,并以电殛栏使蚊子电殛死亡;

    The mosquito-killing unit comprises a trapping lamp holder , an electrode fence and outer fence ; mosquitoes will be attracted by the lamp and killed by the electrode fence .

  4. 所以,如何在设计时采用合理的散热器材料和结构,提高其散热性能成为了殛待解决的问题。

    So there is a need to solve the problem that how to adopt reasonable material and structure during design in order to improve the thermal performance of the radiator . In the paper .