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  1. ROMANS:还有一些孩子申请了信用卡,而他们的父母并不知情。

    ROMANS : And other kids are getting credit cards and their parents don 't even know about it .

  2. 子女也会对父母报之以情,在父母年迈或生病的困难时期伸出援手。

    Children also could reciprocate parents with affection , when parents was old or fell ill , they would stretch out aids .

  3. 他描述了耶稣如何将对孩子及父母的怜悯之情与对信仰的坚持相融合,以致最终对神的顺服超越了家庭关系。

    He shows how Jesus mixed compassion for children and their parents with insistence that ultimately , obedience to God supersedes family ties .

  4. 玛利亚出生的时候,我和米歇尔非常幸运,足足三个月的时间,我们与宝贝女儿一起待在家里,体验初为父母的喜悦之情。

    When Malia was born , Michelle and I were fortunate enough to spend a blissful three months mostly at home with our baby girl .