
  • 网络EPS;earnings per share
  1. 每股利润:12.3美元,增长92.2%

    EPS : $ 12.3 , up 92.2 %

  2. 每股利润:7.05美元,上涨34.2%

    EPS : $ 7.05 , up 34.2 %

  3. 彭博社(Bloomberg)综合消息称,分析师此前预测摊平后的每股利润为1.23美元。

    Analysts had predicted $ 1.23 per share , according to information compiled by Bloomberg .

  4. 而且和许多中国股票不同的是,上述倍数对应的是每股利润、而非销售额。

    And unlike a lot of China stocks these are multiples of profits , not sales .

  5. 而分析师普遍预计收入为207亿美元,每股利润为75美分。

    Analysts had been expecting $ 20.7 billion in revenue and 75 cents a share in profit .

  6. 雷诺强调预计全年盈利将与2007年的利润类似,剔除一次性费用和收益外,每股利润为4.57美元。

    Reynolds reaffirmed its expectation that full-year earnings will be similar to2007 profit of $ 4.57 a share excluding one-time costs and gains .

  7. 考评结果为优秀的组,每股利润与收盘价呈最明显的正相关性。

    Evaluation of the results of the Group for the excellent , and the closing price per share of profits is the most obvious positive correlation .

  8. 周四,这家科技公司公布每股利润为66美分,收入273亿美元,同比下降了1%。

    On Thursday , the tech company posted profits per share of 66 cents on revenues of $ 27.3 billion , which were down 1 % from a year earlier .

  9. 针对这一问题,比较详细地介绍了每股利润分析法、比较资金成本法在确定最佳资金结构中的运用。

    Aiming at this problem , this paper explains the application of comparison fund cost and lucre of per share analytical methods in detail to determination of optimal capital structure .

  10. 但在剔除股票期权的成本和相关税收优惠之后,谷歌每股利润为6.35美元,相比之下,2013年三季度为5.63美元。

    But excluding the cost of stock options and the related tax benefits , Google 's profit was $ 6.35 a share , compared with $ 5.63 in the third quarter of 2013 .

  11. 关于企业财务管理目标,最具有代表性的几种观点是利润最大化、每股利润最大化、企业价值最大化。

    Concerning the business enterprise finance management target , have most the representative 's a few standpoints are a profits to maximize , the each interest on shares is smooth to maximize , business enterprise the value maximize .

  12. 麦当劳表示,中国的这起事件将使公司第三季度的每股利润降低15至20美分,即降低多达1.96亿美元(麦当劳的净发股票为9.81亿),公司将努力赢回该市场的顾客的信任。

    McDonald 's said the China problem would lower its third quarter profit by 15 to 20 cents per share , or as much as $ 196 million ( based on 981 million shares outstanding ) , and that it is working overtime to win back the trust of customers there .

  13. 这份称为2015路线图的计划同样表述清晰、公之于众,它要求在2010年11.67美元的基础上,2015年IBM的每股营业利润应至少达到20美元。

    The plan calls for operating earnings per share to rise from $ 11.67 in2010 to at least $ 20 in2015 .

  14. 如何实现企业价值最大化目标,在具体的企业经营活动中,往往通过企业经营的财务指标来考核,其中最重要的指标就是每股净利润(EPS)。

    How to achieve enterprise value maximization , in specific business activities , we often assess it through the business of financial indicators , in which the most important indicator is the net income per share ( EPS ) .

  15. 除了有价证券以外,除了我们下属保险企业持股少数例外,我们持有种类广泛的非保险企业。以下是这些企业在扣除商誉摊销后的每股税前利润。

    In addition to these marketable securities , which with minor exceptions are held in our insurance companies , we own a wide variety of non-insurance businesses .

  16. 调整后每股经济净利润为0.51美元,高于分析师预测的0.41美元。

    Adjusted Eni was 51 cents per share , above analyst forecasts of 41 cents per share .

  17. 发行在外的股票越少,意味着每股应占的利润越多,股票价格也就越高。

    Fewer shares outstanding means larger profits per share and thus a higher stock price .

  18. 舞弊公司的资产规模普遍偏小;营业收入、每股收益、营业利润率、资产收益率等指标明显偏低。

    The asset sizes of the fraud companies relatively small , and the income indexes , such as business income , earnings per share , operating profit ratio , return on assets , are obviously low .

  19. 普通股每股收益也称普通股每股利润或每股盈余,是指公司净利润与流通在外普通股的比值。

    Every accrual also calls common stock common stock every dividend profit or every profit , it is the ratio that points to profit of company net profit and current and outer common stock .

  20. 尽管如此,本周一公布的股息仅为每股47美分(对苹果来说支出低于30亿美元),这相当于每股净利润的三分之一。

    Yet the dividend announced Monday is just 47 cents ( an outlay of less than $ 3bn for Apple ), which represents a third of net profit per share .