
dú qì
  • poison gas;war gas;mephitis
毒气 [dú qì]
  • [poison gas] 气体的毒剂;泛指有毒的气体

毒气[dú qì]
  1. 毒气喷出来,危及了几百人的生命。

    Poison gas blew off and endangered the lives of hundreds of persons .

  2. 基于GIS的毒气泄漏和扩散模拟及其影响评估

    Simulation of poison gas leakage and diffusion and estimation of their effects by using GIS

  3. 这些毒气会严重损害患者的呼吸系统。

    These gases would seriously damage the patient 's respiratory system .

  4. 她的丈夫将一根与她的汽车排气管相通的管子导入卧室,企图用毒气将她杀死。

    Her husband ran a pipe from her car exhaust to the bedroom in an attempt to gas her .

  5. 活性炭吸附毒气和液体中的杂质。

    Active carbon adsorbs poisonous gases and impurities in liquids .

  6. 凶手在毒气室被处死。

    The murderer was executed in a gas chamber .

  7. 毒气渐渐笼罩了这个小镇。

    Poisonous gas closed in on the town .

  8. 我最后一眼能看见的景象是C车间在一团巨大的烟雾笼罩下飞了起来,该死的毒气从震碎的窗口灌了进来。

    Last thing I ever saw was C shop going up in one grand smudge , and that damn gas pouring in at all the busted windows .

  9. 现在henderson是我们找到毒气的首要线索。

    Henderson is our primary link to finding this nerve gas .

  10. 针对含磷毒气快速检测问题,以自制的杂化酞菁钯-聚苯胺为敏感膜材料,设计了一种双信道声表面波(SAW)传感器。

    Aimed at the problem of quickly detecting phosphorus-containing toxic gas , we used home-made hybrid PdPc-PANI as the material for sensitive film and designed a binary channel SAW sensor .

  11. 声表面波(surfaceacousticwave,SAW)传感器是一类新兴检测化学毒气和爆炸物的传感器,因其独特的优越性,近年来受到广泛的关注。

    Surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) sensor is a new kind of sensor to detect chemical poison gas and explosives . This sensor attracted considerable attention because of its many advantages .

  12. 沸石分子筛修饰的QCM类神经毒气传感器

    QCM Gas Sensor Based on Modified Zeolite for the Nerve Agent Simulant DMMP Detection

  13. ②1984年发生的博帕尔毒气事件被称做化学工业的广岛(Hiroshima)。

    The Bhopal gas tragedy in1984 can rightly be called the Hiroshima of the chemical industry .

  14. 一些消息说他在特雷布林卡集中营(Treblinkacamp)被毒气杀死,也有人说他活了下来。

    Some sources say he was gassed to death at Treblinka camp , while others say he survived .

  15. 去年该公司一处半导体工厂发生毒气泄漏事故,而在另一场事故中,该公司旗下附属公司SamsungEngineeringCo.的水箱发生爆炸致人丧生,该附属公司首席执行长随后被解雇。

    The company had to cope with gas leaks at a semiconductor manufacturing facility last year , while the chief executive of affiliate Samsung Engineering Co. was fired after a water tank explosion that led to casualties .

  16. 考虑到GIS二次开发语言的局限性,利用外部程序语言开发了毒气扩散浓度空间分布的计算程序,动态链接到GIS系统中来实现模拟。

    Considering the limitation of developing language ( Avenue ) in GIS , the calculating procedures of poison gas density spatial distribution nearby leakage source were developed by using Visual C + + and dynamically linked to the GIS system .

  17. 以用来生产sentox神经毒气。

    Used to create sentox nerve gas .

  18. 完成上下位机的联机调试,根据毒气检测仪的技术指标和硬件设备外部特性,采用AUTOCAD设计该仪器的组装模型图,并实际完成了设备组装和调试。

    According to the technical indexes and external properties of hardware device of the gas detector , and using AUTOCAD design the model figure of instrument assembly , the equipment assembling and commissioning was completed . 4 .

  19. 着重阐述了系统软件体系,用于存放系统的基本数据的基础数据层;完成操作GIS数据的GIS平台层和应用层,包括:毒气散逸分布和应急联动等功能。

    Also in the paper , the software architecture that is including the basic data layer used to store the basic system , GIS platform layer used for GIS operation and the application layer for poisonous gas diffusion and emergency treatment is also mentioned .

  20. 感应XCD探测器能够在大范围内检测到毒气和易燃气体。

    The Sensepoint XCD detector monitors sites for a wide range of toxic and flammable gases .

  21. 他追查到毒气的生产商omicron国际。

    He traced the sentox back to Omicron international where it was manufactured .

  22. 地震次生毒气扩散数值模型研究:采用通用的高斯(Gauss)烟羽模式的数学模型进行数值模拟;建立了三种符合实际情况的扩散模式;

    Studying on the numerical simulation of secondary poison gas leakage and diffusion : three kinds of diffusion models are set up according to the reality by using Gauss mathematics model which is used in common ;

  23. 根据海湾战争流行病学研究,一致认为PB作为预防神经毒气的应用和DEET的使用与GWS的发生率有明显的相关性。

    Base on the epidemiological studies of the Gulf War , it is agreed that the use of PB ( to prevent the nerve gas ) and DEET had significant correlation with the incidence of GWS .

  24. 他们的辩解点主要集中在毒气室上。

    To justify their points mainly concentrated in the gas chambers .

  25. 浅谈装修材料在火灾中的毒气效应与处理措施

    Discussion on Toxic Gas Effect of Decoration Materials and Treatment Measures

  26. 敌人居然使用了毒气。

    The enemy went so far as to use poison gas .

  27. 反恐局正在追踪毒气罐的下落。

    CTU is in the process of tracking down the canisters .

  28. 这种毒气就会麻痹这只不幸昆虫的躯体。

    And this poison paralyzes the body of the unlucky insects .

  29. 他们应该在那儿释放多少毒气罐?

    How much of the nerve gas will they release there ?

  30. 你有没有合适的人拿着那些毒气弹?

    Have you got a good man with those gas bombs ?