
dú liú
  • cancer;malignant tumour
毒瘤 [dú liú]
  • [malignant tumour;cancer] 恶性肿瘤的通称

毒瘤[dú liú]
  1. 腐败教育是与教育腐败直接相连又相区别的心灵污染和文化毒瘤。

    Corrupt education , which is different from educational corruption as well as related to it , is the pollution of soul and the malignant tumour of culture .

  2. 用来治疗癌毒瘤的抗肿瘤药物。

    An antineoplastic drug used to treat some forms of cancer .

  3. 工会集团投票制是民主的毒瘤。

    The trade union block vote is an excrescence on democracy .

  4. 你和你的同伙是社会的毒瘤。

    You and your kind are a canker on the body social .

  5. 我希望能够最终去除Ruby通常很慢的这个毒瘤。

    I hope to finally kill off the meme that Ruby is always slow .

  6. 瑞安,组织就像一颗毒瘤

    This program , it 's a cancer , Ryan .

  7. 没人知道未来,那毒瘤蚕食着果实。

    No one know what to come , the cancer eats the fruit .

  8. 铲除危害这个城镇的毒瘤!

    Gettin'rid of the cancer that was killin'this town !

  9. 腐败是基础建设项目的毒瘤。

    Corruption is a blight on infrastructure projects .

  10. 这些“毒瘤”是自杀单位,它们体内充满了爆炸性化学成份和酸性物质。

    These small , suicidal creatures are filled with explosive chemicals and corrosive acids .

  11. 部门利益是法治社会的一颗毒瘤。

    The departmental benefit is a malignant tumor in the society ruled by law .

  12. 涂香油于身体,是作为一种对毒瘤,麻疯病和梅毒的治疗。

    Used in embalming , as a cure for cancer , leprosy , and syphilis .

  13. 但是这个同样的毒瘤已经在巴基斯坦边界地区生根。

    But this same cancer has also taken root in the border region of Pakistan .

  14. 这一毒瘤必须根除。

    This scourge must be stamped out .

  15. 我们在阿富汗是为了防止毒瘤再次向这个国家蔓延。

    We 're in Afghanistan to prevent a cancer from once again spreading through that country .

  16. 阿里巴巴曾公开批判这种现象是毒瘤,并采取了打击假货的行动。

    Alibaba has publicly criticized the phenomenon as a cancer and moved to crack down on it .

  17. 它不仅是影响家庭和谐的毒瘤,也是一个全球性的社会问题。

    It is not only affects the cancer of family harmony , is a global social problem .

  18. 从那时起,针对移民弊端的反对声越来越大,成为了社会的主流&同时也是毒瘤。

    Since then , increasingly vociferous outbursts against the ills of immigration have become commonplace & and toxic .

  19. 假冒伪劣商品严重威胁着消费者的健康和生命安全,已成为社会经济肌体上的毒瘤。

    It has become the cancer of our social organism that it clearly poses risks to public safety .

  20. 现在,社会上有越来越多的人意识到青少年犯罪是社会的一大毒瘤。

    Nowadays , the society has more and more peoplerealizing that adolescence crime is a cancer of society .

  21. 腐败是寄生在党的健康肌体上的一颗毒瘤,必须坚决清除。

    Corruption is a malignant tumor on our party s body , and we must clear it away resolutely .

  22. 阿里巴巴曾公开批判这种现象是“毒瘤”,并采取了打击假货的行动。

    Alibaba has publicly criticized the phenomenon as a " cancer " and moved to crack down on it .

  23. 官僚主义是寄生在人类社会政治制度上的一颗毒瘤,反对官僚主义必须有的放矢。

    Bureaucracy is cancer in the political system of human society , to fight against bureaucracy calls for correct target .

  24. 如何应对学术腐败这一社会毒瘤,用法律来规制无疑是最基础的手段。

    How to deal with this social cancer of academic corruption , regulation by law is undoubtedly the most basic means .

  25. 上市公司造假账的问题已经成为严重危害市场经济秩序的一个毒瘤。

    The fact that listed corporations make false account has become a malignant tumor , which endangers market economy order seriously .

  26. 因此,《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》和狭义银行模式只能治愈我们的部分金融毒瘤,其它毒瘤只能任其转移。

    Thus , Glass-Steagall and narrow banking treat only a part of our financial tumour , leaving the rest to metastasize .

  27. 埃文·特纳:他们需要给予甜瓜更多尊重,我不会接受他是毒瘤的说法。

    Evan Turner : They need to put more respect on melo 's name . I 'm not buying that he 's a cancer

  28. 赌博是社会毒瘤,可以说其毒素已渗透到我国政治和经济社会的方方面面。

    Gambles are cancer of society , and their toxin have infiltrated into all aspect of politics and social economy of our country .

  29. 我们与我们的兄弟卡尔扎伊和阿富汗人民站在一起,抵御这个共同的威胁,这个我把它称为毒瘤的威胁。

    We stand with our brother Karzai and the people of Afghanistan against this common threat , this menace which I have called cancer .

  30. 1996年,我说我们要与“腐败的毒瘤”作斗争,现在我们是这场斗争的领导者之一;

    In1996 , I said we would fight the " cancer of corruption ," and we are one of the leaders in that fight .