
  1. 是个职业装比者,他一辈子都在装比,是专业级的。

    B is a drunber , he has been drunbing all his life , who is professional .

  2. 老化红细胞膜内蛋白激酶C活性远比年轻者高,而在胞浆内活性则相反。

    The activity of protein kinase C in old cells membrane was significantly higher than that in young cells , but the activity in cytoplasm was just the opposite .

  3. 早期脑电地形图和头颅CT异常者比正常者脑病的发生率明显增高(P<0.01),开始高压氧治疗时间及疗程与迟发性脑病有关。

    Early BEAM and head CT indicated a significant increase of encephalopathy incidence in abnormal patients compared with that in normal patients ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 尿素酶B抗体阳性者胃粘膜中性粒细胞浸润比阴性者多见,差异有显著性。

    Histologically , the degree of gastric mucosal neutrophil infiltration in children with urease B antibodies were more severe than that in those who were negative for the antibodies ( P 0.05 ) .

  5. 结果显示热应激期间,热应激蛋白抗体阳性飞行员心率、口温、淋巴细胞DNA损伤均比阴性者高。

    The results showed that the increase in oral temperature , heart rate , and lymphocyte DNA damage in pilots with the positive antibodies to HSPs was higher than in pilots with the negative antibodies during heat stress .

  6. 哮喘和慢性支气管炎患者肺密度的平均CT值均比正常者(平均-778HU,-760~-796HU)低(P<0.05)。

    Both the mean value of the CT Lung density in the patients with asthma and chronic bronchitis were lower than that in normal controls ( mean - 778 HU , - 760 HU ~ - 796 HU , P < 0.05 ).

  7. Vc含量对照与处理1和2差异极显著,与3差异显著,分别比三者高8.90%、6.84%和5.69%;

    Vitamin C content difference are obvious between contrast experiment and treatments 1 and 2 . and marked with 3 , and contrast experiment high 8.90 % 、 6.84 % and 5.69 % than theirs ;

  8. 结果:①癌症患者的红细胞C3b受体花环率(7.46±4.42)比正常者(14.45±3.31)显著降低(P<0.01);

    The results are as follows : ① The rosette rate of RBC-C3b receptor in patients ( 7.46 ± 4.42 ) was much lower than that in normals ( 14.45 ± 3 . 31 , P < 0.01 ) .

  9. 作者还观察到,颅内恶性肿瘤的SLSEP异常率比良性者高。

    It was also observed that the abnormal rates of SLSEPs of intracranial malignant tumors were higher than that of the benigns .

  10. 而当呈现时间为1.0s时,外倾者比内倾者的反应潜伏期更短;

    However , the reaction latency of extroverts towards all types of words was shorter than that of introverts when the time became 1.0s .

  11. 结果:RA患者外周血中TNF-a水平比健康者明显升高(P<0.001),且膝关节滑液中TNF-a水平比外周血中的明显提高(P<0.001)。

    Results : TNF-a was found to be significantly increased in peripheral sera in RA patients than that in healthy controls ( P < 0.001 ), its level was also increased markedly in the SF than that in the sera in RA patients ( P < 0.001 ) .

  12. 你会比管理者得到更多吗?

    Is it that you might be earning more than a supervisor ?

  13. 多项研究表明,乐观者比悲观者更健康长寿。

    Studies suggest optimists live longer and enjoy better health than pessimists .

  14. 这个观点,比实证主义者还要激进。

    It was a view more positive than the Positivists .

  15. 在等候批准的申请人名单里,家庭比单身者优先。

    Families have or take priority over single people on the waiting list .

  16. 在我所遇到的银行家中,自大者比谦逊者多得多。

    Among bankers I meet there is a lot more hubris than humility .

  17. 随着时间的推移,合作者比叛逃者积累了更多的社会关系。

    Over time , the co-operators accumulated more social connections than the defectors did .

  18. 鹿比追捕者跑得快。

    The deer ran faster than its pursuers .

  19. 比起艾滋病、糖尿病以及癌症对人类的影响,自闭症对全球儿童的影响比三者之和还要大。

    Autism affects more children around the world than AIDS , cancer and diabetes combined .

  20. 因而相思子首饰制作者们面临的风险反而比佩戴者更大。

    The rosary pea poses greater danger to the jewelry maker than to the wearer .

  21. 谎言终有揭穿的时候,面试考官远比求职者精明。

    Lies will be eventually come to light , so remember job interviewers are smarter .

  22. 比偷渡者酒吧更充分的理由吗

    A better reason than the stowaway ?

  23. 他们似乎有着比受训者更多的性格缺陷和“问题”。

    They seem to have more personality flaws and " issues " than the coachee .

  24. 一个怪物出来追赶我。他跑得比追赶者快。

    And a monster came out and chased me . He gained on his pursuers .

  25. 在欺负情境中,不同角色的移情程度不同,旁观者比欺负者能够更大程度地体验到被欺负者的感受。

    The degree of empathy was different among roles . Outsider had deep empathy than bullies .

  26. 他跑得比追赶者快。

    He gained on his pursuers .

  27. 在中国,做个素食者消耗的资源恐怕比肉食者更多!

    In China , perhaps resources consumed by vegetarians are more than that consumed being creophagy !

  28. 另一方面,已婚人士声称比单身者更幸福。

    On the other hand , married people claim to be happier than single people do .

  29. 对于相同的能量消耗,步行者比跑步者获益更多健康。

    For the same amount of energy used , walkers experienced greater health benefits than runners .

  30. 政府说,新的保健计划的得益者要比损失者多得多。

    The government says there are far more gainers than losers from its new healthcare scheme .