
bǐ sà bǐng
  • pizza;Pizza Hut;Large Pizza;Big Pizza
  1. 我总会在冰箱里放一个比萨饼应急。

    I always keep a pizza in the freezer as a standby .

  2. 我倒是想来块比萨饼。

    I wouldn 't say no to a pizza .

  3. 他把比萨饼切成一口一块的小块。

    He cut the pizza into bite-sized pieces .

  4. 我独自吃了一整个比萨饼。

    I had a whole pizza to myself .

  5. 我们合吃了一张比萨饼。

    We ate a pizza between us .

  6. 还有比萨饼吗?

    Is there any pizza left ?

  7. 杰德点点头,把最后一块比萨饼吃完。

    Jed nodded , finishing off the last piece of pizza .

  8. 还有充裕的时间带吉尔出去吃比萨饼。

    There was still plenty of time to take Jill out for pizza

  9. 不加奶酪的比萨饼很好吃。

    The pizza tastes delicious without any cheese at all .

  10. 他讨厌吃伦敦卖的难以下咽的比萨饼。

    He was disgusted with the stodgy pizzas on sale in London .

  11. 我们被告知比萨饼20分钟后送到。

    We were told the pizza would be delivered in 20 minutes .

  12. 然后比萨饼做出来大约要用20分钟的时间。

    The pizza will then take about twenty minutes to cook

  13. 为了节约时间,我们用了几包做比萨饼的混合面粉。

    For speed we used packets of pizza dough mix

  14. 我们中午一起去吃了比萨饼。

    We went for a pizza together at lunch-time .

  15. 幸好它不像有些比萨饼那样上面涂满了难嚼的奶酪。

    Thankfully , it wasn 't smothered in stringy cheese like some pizzas .

  16. 他和儿子劳伦斯分吃了一张比萨饼。

    He shared a pizza with his son Laurence

  17. 申请比萨饼店的品牌特许经营权的最低启动资金估计为25万到31.5万美元。

    The minimum start-up capital for a Pizza franchise is estimated at $ 250,000 to $ 315,000 .

  18. 这是我见过的最大比萨饼了。

    This is the most gigantic pizza I 've ever seen .

  19. 你爱吃比萨饼吗?

    Do you like eating pizza ?

  20. 菜单上是意大利菜,有上等的肉和新鲜的鱼、比萨饼和意大利面。

    The menu is Italian , with excellent meat and fresh fish , pizzas and pasta .

  21. 然后他决定教我用木头烤比萨饼。

    Then he decided to teach me the art of making wood-fired pizzas .

  22. 彼得:比萨饼怎么样,爱丽丝?

    Peter : How is the pizza , Alice ?

  23. 奶酪鳀鱼比萨饼

    a pizza topped with cheese and anchovies

  24. 你吃过比萨饼吗?

    Have you ever eaten pizza ?

  25. 他们称之为“双比萨饼原则”,即团队只需吃两个比萨饼。

    They call this the " two pizza principle " , that teams should be able to be fed with just two pizzas .

  26. 然而,Twitter仍最能体现这个圣路易斯比萨饼餐馆业主之子的个性。

    Yet it is still Twitter that embodies the son of a pizza restaurant owner from St Louis .

  27. 一个bug很明显:根据配料数量的不同,比萨饼的价格应该不一样,但是这个程序产生的价格都一样。

    One is obvious : Every pizza is the same price , independent of the number of toppings .

  28. 曼斯菲尔德的大道马提尼餐厅(Martini’sonMain)供应农家比萨饼,大部分食材来自本地农庄(108NorthMainStreet,电话419-775-5936;martinisonmain.net)。

    Martini 's on Main , in Mansfield , offers pizza made from scratch and gets most of its ingredients from local farms ( 108 North Main Street , 419-775-5936 ; martinisonmain . net ) .

  29. 当在facebook上收到一张假冒必胜客香水的积极反馈照片之后,加拿大的必胜客停止了110瓶的必胜客比萨饼香味的香水的制作。

    Pizza Hut Canada ended up making 110 bottles of Eau de Pizza Hut pizza-scented perfume after a photo of a fake Pizza Hut perfume on Facebook received positive feedback .

  30. 您将为近来十分流行的一项Web2.0新业务(称为Slicr)构建一个在线站点,在线销售比萨饼。

    You 're going to be building an online site for a hot new Web2.0 business called Slicr , which sells pizza online .