
  • 网络Cuvette;cell;Cuvettes
  1. 把有盖的比色皿置于比色槽中,把黑色的操作杆拉下把它锁住。

    Place the capped cuvette in the holder and push the black lever down to lock it .

  2. 首先,要扫瞄一个装有蒸馏水的比色皿作为空白,以提供一个光谱背景。

    First , a cuvette filled with distilled water must be scanned as a blank to provide a spectral background .

  3. 采用72型分光光度计,1cm比色皿,以水作参比液,在660nm处比色测定。

    The colorimetric determination is carried out at 660 (?) m by using Model 72 spectrophotometer and 1 cm cell with water as reference solution .

  4. 活动比色皿架的温度可以调节并恒定在所需要的温度,温度的控制范围为5℃~60℃,在恒温状态温度的波动范围为0.1K。

    The temperature of mobile cuvettes can be adjusted and kept at a constant temperature . The temperature range controlled is 5 ℃~ 60 ℃, and the variation of temperature is 0.1K .

  5. 甲醇在酸性溶液中,被高锰酸钾氧化成甲醛,再在硫酸介质中与变色酸生成紫色化合物,在580nm处用1cm比色皿比色测定。

    In acid solution , Carbinol was oxidized formaldehyde , then it interacts with chromotropic acid and generates purple chemical compound . Under the wavelength of 580 nm , we use 1-cm cell to analyse .

  6. 可采用比色皿或96孔板检测。

    Assays can be executed in cuvet or96-well plate .

  7. 比色皿的洁净法

    Cleaning Method of Colorimetric Dish

  8. 实验装置采取了将光束经反射镜折叠向下传输透过比色皿的措施,以避免比色皿壁损坏。

    In the experiment , the laser beam is folded downward after the reflector into the medium to avoid damage to the colorimetric ware .

  9. 制作了片剂样品连续检测装置和用于检测液体的三槽位式的比色皿架,方便用户进行多种形态样品的检测。

    A continuous detector for testing tablet samples and a device for detecting liquid samples are made for users in detecting various forms of samples conveniently .

  10. 介绍分光光度法中比色皿的选择原则和依据,以及正确的使用和维护方法。

    The using and choosing principle and basis of the colorimetric ware in the spectrophotometric methods are introduced as well as the correct using method and maintenance .

  11. 分别用直接细胞计数法、四唑蓝(MTT)比色法、平皿克隆形成率试验及裸鼠移植瘤模型测定3组细胞在体外、体内的增殖活性。

    We also evaluated the proliferation activities in these three subtypes by direct cells count , MTT assay , plate clone formation test and nude mice transplanting tumor model , respectively .