
  • 网络Comparative measurement method;comparison (method of) measurement;comparison(method of )measurement
  1. 采用直接比较测量法,充分利用其几何特性,使测量更直接、更方便,非常适合双沟一次磨工艺的测量配置。

    On the base of fully utilizing its geometry properties , adopting direct comparison measurement method makes the measurement more direct and convenient .

  2. 本文介绍在没有专用量具、量仪的条件下,在双面啮合综合检查仪上用比较测量法,测出三槽丝锥的1/2M值,然后计算出中径d2的方法。

    This article introduces using comparative measuring method with Double Flank Gear Rolling Tester to measure the 1 / 2 M value , and then calculates d2 mid-diameter , without any special measuring tools and instrument .

  3. 外径千分尺比较测量法不确定度的计算与应用

    The Calculation and Application of Uncertainty for Outside Micrometers in Comparative Measurement

  4. 基于相对比较测量法的深孔直线度测量系统

    Study of Deep-hole Linearity Surveying System Based on Relatively Surveyor

  5. 一种改进的脉冲幅度比较测量法

    An Improved Comparative Measurement Method of Pulse Amplitude

  6. 基于比较测量法的光学电流互感器

    Optical Current Transformer Based on Comparative Measurement

  7. 该测量方法测量结果采用计数器来显示,完成信号取样方差的测量,是一种比较测量法。

    Frequency multiply method is a comparison of measurement method , which uses counter to show the result and Realizes the variance sampling measurement .

  8. 在分析国内外直线度测量方法和相对比较测量法原理的基础上,设计出了基于相对比较测量法的深孔直线度测量系统,对于解决深孔零件加工中的直线度检测具有实际意义。

    By fundamentals analysis of linearity surveyor of domestic and international and relatively surveyor , design deep-hole linearity surveying system based on relatively surveyor , and study structure and software of that system , for linearity examination have certainly actual significance in deep-hole machining .

  9. 本文通过对这两种计量方式和目前常用的计量软件进行细致的分析和比较,选用混合测量法来研究舱容的计量和容积修正问题,并开发出新的计量软件,提高计算精度和速度。

    This paper carries out particular analysis and comparing about these measuring methods and software , then select the mix measuring method to study the problem of volume measuring and correcting , and develops a new measuring software to improve the calculation precision and speed .