
  • 网络Pulse voltage;VBLANK;FLIP-SNS
  1. 提出了脉冲电压下局部放电(PD)信号的提取和统计方法。

    The extraction and counting method for partial discharge ( PD ) under pulse voltage was proposed .

  2. 随着脉冲电压峰值和放电频率的升高,CO2转化率、CO产率增大,CO选择性降低。

    However , with increasing peak value of pulse voltage and discharge frequency , the conversion rate of CO2 and the yield of CO are promoted , while the selectivity of CO was dropped .

  3. 文中分析了产生这一脉冲电压的原因,提出为了减少其幅值,冲击主电容C。

    Reasons for causing such an impulse voltage to occur have been investigated in this article .

  4. 脉冲电压微分反馈法控制buck功率变换器中的混沌

    Using pulse voltage differential feedback method to control chaos in the buck converter

  5. SR机器有重大扭矩波纹,特别是当经营在唯一脉冲电压控制方式。

    SR machines have a significant torque ripple , especially when operated in single-pulse voltage control mode .

  6. STM脉冲电压极性对材料微细加工影响的研究

    Influence of Pulse Polarity on Nano-Machining of Scanning Tunneling Microscope

  7. 介绍了所研制的漆包线绝缘耐脉冲电压强度测试装置的工作原理和性能指标。根据脉冲宽度调制(PWM)电压波形的特性,确定了PWM模拟发生器的脉冲电压参数。

    The parameters of electrical pulse voltage in a simulative generator are determined on the basis of pulse width modulation ( PWM ) of voltage wave in inverter-fed motor .

  8. 介绍了几种介质制备的方法,着重对高压电场极化法进行了理论研究,讨论了脉冲电压,电流及自然极化强度Ps之间的制约关系,分析了影响成畴质量的几个物理因素。

    Introducing several OSL fabrication methods , mainly electric field poling method is investigated , and discussing the limit relation among poling electric field E , poling current I and natural poling intensity Ps , and analyze the various factor affecting the OSLs quality .

  9. 仪器能提供50μV~220V标准方波脉冲电压和1ns~5s的时标信号。

    It provides square wave pulse from 50 μ V to 200V and gives time division pulse from lns to 5s .

  10. 采用并联R-C电抗器抑制电机端过电压,可使电机端过电压幅值下降到脉冲电压幅值的1.1倍。

    The magnitude can be decreased to 1.1 times of the pulse voltage with a shunt R-C reactor .

  11. 为进一步提高脉冲电压幅值并使其可调,又设计了以Boost电路和脉冲变压器组成的升压调幅电路,通过改变Boost电路开关的占空比来改变脉冲幅值。

    By the simulation , result is consistent with the theoretical analysis . Considering adjustable pulse amplitude , a level of Boost circuit and pulsed transformer are designed , the amplitude of the pulse is modulated by changing the dutyfactor of the Boost circuit .

  12. 由于PWM脉冲电压频率高、上升沿陡,含有较多的谐波分量,使传感器耦合出来的信号包含了很多干扰,导致局部放电信号的分析比工频正弦条件下更加困难。

    Pulse-width modulation ( PWM ) pulses have fast rise-time , high frequency and many harmonic components which may be coupled as interference by PD sensor . Thus it is more difficult to extract PD signal under PWM condition than sinusoidal wave condition .

  13. 本文介绍了两种PTP激光电源:一种采用自耦调压器调整脉冲电压;

    In this article , two types of PTP power supplies for laser are presented . One type is that " Variac " is used to regulate pulse voltage .

  14. 文中以窄脉冲电压信号馈电的偶极子天线为例,详细分析了脉冲收发天线辐射特性参数计算公式的建立,以及采用矩量法和FFT获得这些参数的计算方法。

    The dipole fed by short pulse voltage signal is taken as an example to illustrate that the detailed derivation of the radiation characteristic formula of impulse antenna , and that the computation method of obtaining the parameter with MoM and FFT .

  15. 200kV脉冲电压发生器的研制

    Development of 200 kV Pulse Voltage Generator

  16. 研制了以Tesla变压器为核心组成的200kV脉冲电压发生器,介绍了高压脉冲变压器以及脉冲极性和限流电阻自动转换的设计、制作与试验。

    A pulse voltage generator based on Tesla transformer technology is developed . The high voltage pulse transformer and the automatic switches are designed and tested .

  17. 该器件采用了悬挂线开放式结构,在空气环境下,在40V低驱动脉冲电压下成功实现了液滴的传输。

    Owing to the suspended-line structure , the transportation of droplet was successfully achieved in air by applying the voltage pulse of 40V .

  18. 结果表明,在器件的栅下靠近漏端一侧的沟道处电子温度最高,当栅脉冲电压为-18V时可达6223K,并且电子温度从最高点向四周逐渐降低最后与晶格温度(300K)达到一致。

    The results show that the electron temperature comes to a head in the channel under the gate , it will achieve 6223 K when the height of the pulse is - 18 V. then it falls around gradually towards the lattice temperature ( 300 K ) .

  19. 脉冲电压对变频牵引电机绝缘老化的影响机理研究

    Effect of Pulse Waveform on Ageing of Inverter-Fed Traction Motor Insulation

  20. 正脉冲电压下水中流注放电特性的研究

    Characteristics of the Streamer Discharge in Water under Positive Pulse Voltage

  21. 脉冲电压波形对同轴电极系统电子能量的影响

    The Influence of Pulse Voltage Waveform on the Average Electron Energy

  22. 不同脉冲电压对45钢凝固组织的影响

    Influence of Electric Pulse Treatment on Solidified Structure of 45 Steel

  23. 双极性脉冲电压下介质阻挡放电及其涤纶表面改性

    Application of Bipolar Pulsed Power to ADBD and Terylene Surface Modification

  24. 方波脉冲电压下聚酰亚胺薄膜老化特征研究

    Study on ageing characteristics of polyimide film under pulse voltages

  25. 利用LiNbO_3晶体电光效应测量脉冲电压

    Measurement of pulse voltage using electro-optical effect of linbo_3 crystal

  26. 本文首次把脉冲电压下真空中绝缘子沿面预闪络现象与绝缘子表面带电特性结合起来同时进行观测研究,深入系统地研究了氧化铝陶瓷在真空中的沿面预闪络现象和表面带电现象。

    The pre-flashover phenomena of Alumina insulators in vacuum have been investigated .

  27. 消除预脉冲电压的撬棒管开关法

    Crowbar - tube switch method to remove prepulse - voltage

  28. 基于双极性脉冲电压技术的新型电导测量仪

    A New Electrical Conductance Measurement Instrument Based on Bi-directional Pulsed Voltage Technique

  29. 真空中聚乙烯膜在纳秒脉冲电压下的沿面闪络特性

    Surface flashover characteristics of polyethylene film under ns impulse voltage in vacuum

  30. 脉冲电压对过共晶Al-22%Si合金显微组织的影响

    Effect of electro-pulse voltage on microstructure of hypereutectic Al-22 % Si Alloy